As of June 2017, this dataset has been replaced by the NZ Street Address and will no longer be updated. See Street Address Data Dictionary for field mappings to the new dataset.
This layer provides all allocated addresses as advised to LINZ by Territorial Authorities (TAs). Under the Local Government Act 1974 (section 319) it is the responsibility of the TAs to advise LINZ (the Surveyor General) of all allocated addresses in their district.
Local Government Act 1974
319B Allocation of property numbers
(1) For electoral, postal, and other purposes the council may allocate a number to any area of land or building or part of a building within its district and may change the number allocated to any such area of land or building.
(2) The council shall comply with any request from a Chief Surveyor to allocate a number to or change the number of any area of land or building or part of a building in its district.
(3) The principal administrative officer shall advise the Chief Surveyor of the land district in which the land or building is situated of the numbers allocated under subsection (1) or subsection (2).
Generally allocated addresses will be represented by a single point. However there was an historical practice to represent only the principal address allocated by Territorial Authorities, and not include addresses assigned to individual flats. Similarly there was an historical practice to aggregate addresses into ranges, especially where there are many addresses for a single parcel. We are working (where possible) to resolve these historical anomalies and have each allocated address represented where possible. The datasets also includes addresses where the Surveyor General has requested (under the Local Government Act) that a TA allocated an address.
The road name and locality fields attributed to an address are taken from the associated road attributes. These roads are stored as centrelines (see NZ Road Centre Line (Electoral)) and reflect the road names as assigned by the TA responsible. The locality name ensures that if duplicate road names exist in TA that the number/road combination can still be unique by using the locality field.
Wherever address points have been provided in spatial data files by a TA, LINZ will import this data and use the exact location as defined by the TA. Where non spatial data is provided LINZ adds the location of an address point with the mandatory priority to locate that address point within the correct meshblock. The location of the front door of an elector's dwelling within the correct meshblock is a fundamental requirement of the electoral system (Section 72 Electoral Act 1993). Highly desirable priorities for the location of an address point are to have it in the same property and parcel as the dwelling and on the correct side of the physical and legal roads. It is also a desirable priority to have the address point in the same location as the dwelling and/or at the location of the property entrance.