New Zealand Maternity Clinical Indicators 2014
Ministry of HealthThe New Zealand Maternity Clinical Indicators are a tool for maternity service providers to assess the quality and national consistency in the delivery of maternity services in New Zealand. The New Zealand Maternity Clinical Indicators are the result of collaboration between the Ministry of Health and maternity stakeholders representing consumer,...Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Nutrient Intakes and Dietary Sources: Micronutrients - 2008/09 NZ Adult...
Ministry of HealthThis dataset is part of a selection of findings presented in A Focus on Nutrition: Key findings from the 2008/09 NZ Adult Nutrition Survey. The following subjects are covered on this page: Vitamin A equivalents; β-carotene; Retinol; Vitamin C; Vitamin E; B vitamins (Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin equivalents, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12); Minerals (Calcium,...Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Discharges from privately funded hospitals - 1 July 2004 to 30 June 2005
Ministry of HealthThis statistical data contains national data in tabular form, detailing the numbers of patients discharged from, and procedures carried out in, privately funded hospitalsCreated 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Nutrient intakes and dietary sources: Energy and macronutrients - 2008/09 NZ...
Ministry of HealthThis dataset is part of a selection of findings presented in A Focus on Nutrition: Key findings from the 2008/09 NZ Adult Nutrition Survey. The following subjects are covered: Energy, Protein, Total fat, Saturated fat, Monosaturated fat, Polyunsaturated fat, Cholesterol, Total carbohydrate, Total sugars, Sucrose, Fructose, Lactose, Total dietary fibre,...Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Maternity Factsheet, 2001-2010
Ministry of HealthMaternity Factsheet, 2001-2010, is the first maternity publication reporting on data from the recently completed National Maternity Collection. The National Maternity Collection includes data from hospital-based maternity events, birth registrations, and community-based primary care.Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Maternity Tables 2011
Ministry of HealthThese tables present a summary of the maternal and newborn information for all women with a known birth in 2011. Data presented is sourced from the National Maternity Collection (MAT). MAT integrates maternity-related data from the National Minimum Dataset and Lead Maternity Carer (LMC) claim forms.Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Mental Health and Addiction: Service use 2009/10 Dataset
Ministry of HealthThis publication has three main parts: the demographic analysis of mental health and addiction services users, the types of services provided, and a section on outcomes of treatment. The publication focuses on service use in 2009/2010 and also contains time trend analyses from 2001/2002.Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Online data tables of the 2007/08 New Zealand Alcohol and Drug Use Survey
Ministry of HealthAll NZADUS results presented in this report and some additional results are available in Excel format. Within each spreadsheet, there are separate tabs along the bottom of the spreadsheet for each topic. Simply click on the topic tab of interest and you will see tables for the selected topic including (where possible): unadjusted prevalence by age group...Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Maternity Tables 2013
Ministry of HealthThe Maternity Tables 2013 present annual health statistics about women giving birth, their pregnancy and childbirth experience, and the characteristics of the live-born babies in New Zealand. The focus is on births in 2013.Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Mental Health and Addiction: Service use 2011/12
Ministry of HealthThese tables are the latest release of routine mental health and addiction data. The information is broken down by age (including youth), sex, ethnicity, DHB of domicile and deprivation.Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Maternity Snapshot 2008: Provisional data
Ministry of HealthMaternity Snapshot 2008 is the latest maternity data published by the Ministry of Health. This data is sourced from the National Minimum Dataset (NMDS) and is provisional and subject to change. This snapshot contains summarised 2008 hospital data on women who have given birth in hospital and babies that were either born in hospital or admitted soon after.Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Maternity Snapshot 2009: Provisional data
Ministry of HealthMaternity Snapshot 2009 is the latest maternity data published by the Ministry of Health. This data is sourced from the National Minimum Dataset (NMDS) and is provisional and subject to change. This snapshot contains summarised 2009 hospital data on women who have given birth in hospital and babies that were either born in hospital or admitted soon after.Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Mental Health and Addiction: Service use 2012/13
Ministry of HealthThese tables are the latest release of routine mental health and addiction data. The information is broken down by age (including youth), sex, ethnicity, DHB of domicile and deprivation.Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Maternity Snapshot 2010: Provisional data
Ministry of HealthMaternity Snapshot 2010 is the latest maternity data published by the Ministry of Health. This data is sourced from the National Minimum Dataset (NMDS) and is provisional and subject to change. This snapshot contains summarised 2010 hospital data on women who have given birth in hospital and babies that were either born in hospital or admitted soon after.Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Mental Health and Addiction: Service use 2010/11
Ministry of HealthThese online tables provide information on the care (service) provided between 1 July 2010 and 30 June 2011 (2010/11) by district health boards and non-government organisations to people with a mental illness or addiction. This data release provides information on: client demographics; mental health and addiction services provided to these clients; the...Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
PHO Enrolment Demographics
Ministry of HealthA pivot table containing the latest available demographic data and PHO enrolment numbers, which is sourced from the PHO Enrolment Collection.Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Patient Experience 2011/12: Key findings of the New Zealand Health Survey
Ministry of HealthThe patient experience report presents key findings from the continuous New Zealand Health Survey 2011/12 about New Zealanders' experiences with health care services. The report presents information about patient experience with general practitioners, practice nurses, after-hours doctors, emergency department doctors and medical specialists. Information...Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Mental health: Service use in New Zealand 2001/02 to 2006/07
Ministry of HealthThis information presents all the mental health data normally published in the Appendix tables in the series Mental Health: Service use in New Zealand for the years ended 30 June 2002 to 2007. The data was drawn from the Mental Health Information National Collection (MHINC), and covers secondary mental health and alcohol and drug services funded by the...Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Māori Participation and Attainment in Science Subjects (aged 15 to 17...
Ministry of HealthThis spreadsheet contains the following information: definitions and statistical notes - provides information on definitions and statistical notes used in this analysislist of data - a contents page showing all the data available in this spreadsheetMāori and non-Māori candidates aged 15 to 17 years: participation and attainment in a science subject at...Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Mortality: Historical summary 1948-2010
Ministry of HealthThese tables contain mortality data (numbers and age-standardised rates) by sex for certain causes of death for each year from 1948 to 2010. Causes of death included are: Total cancer; Ischaemic heart disease; Cerebrovascular disease; Chronic lower respiratory diseases; Other forms of heart disease; Pneumonia and influenza; Diabetes; Motor vehicle...Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018