Authorised persons designated to sign MPI dairy export certificates
Ministry for Primary IndustriesList of people authorised under section 65 of the Animal Products Act 1999 to issue MPI Dairy export certificates and for the withdrawal, reissuing and replacing of official assurances under section 64. Contains information: Identifier, Surname, First Name, City People authorised to sign certificates for the issuing of official assurances for dairy exportsCreated 19 October 2018 • Updated 19 October 2018 -
Approved quota compliance programmes
Ministry for Primary IndustriesList of organisations with a quota compliance programme for dairy products intended for export to designated markets. Contains information: Approval no, Company, Location(s), Scope, Person, Premises ID Organisations with a quota compliance programme for dairy products intended for export designated marketsCreated 19 October 2018 • Updated 19 October 2018 -
Approved maintenance compounds - Non dairy
Ministry for Primary IndustriesList and summary information of all approved maintenance compounds (Non-Dairy). Contains information: Compound name, Description, Approval code, Approval date Summary information for approved non-dairy maintenance compoundsCreated 19 October 2018 • Updated 19 October 2018 -
Approved halal premises
Ministry for Primary IndustriesList of New Zealand approved animal products halal premises (excluding dairy) as at 1 Oct 2018. Contains information: Identifier, Premises Name, Premises Physical Address Halal premises approved in New ZealandCreated 19 October 2018 • Updated 19 October 2018 -
Approved Halal Organisations
Ministry for Primary IndustriesList of Approved Halal Organisations under Part 6 of the Animal Products Notice: General Export Requirements for Halal Animal Material and Halal Animal Products. Contains information: Organisation Name, Organisation Acronym, Animal Product Type, Specified Country in Annex 2 of the Notice, Contact Halal organisations approved in New ZealandCreated 19 October 2018 • Updated 19 October 2018 -
Approved & Recognised Dairy Maintenance Compounds
Ministry for Primary IndustriesList of all approved & recognised Dairy Maintenance Compounds. Contains information: Chemical Supplier, Product Name, Type, Approval Status, Special Conditions, Date Approved, Review, Notes Dairy maintenance compounds approved (for farms) or recognised (for processing plants) by MPI. Includes compounds for cleaning, sanitising, or maintenanceCreated 19 October 2018 • Updated 19 October 2018 -
ACVM register - Vetinary medicines, agricultural chemicals, and vertebrate...
Ministry for Primary IndustriesList of products assessed under the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (ACVM) Act 1997 considered appropriate for registration. Conditions have been applied that are considered necessary and sufficient to manage the risks specified in section 4 of the ACVM Act 1997. Contains information: Registration No., Trade Name, Product Type, Registrant...Created 19 October 2018 • Updated 19 October 2018 -
Registered Standards Management - Wine
Ministry for Primary IndustriesList of winemakers who are not exempted from the requirements to operate under a WSMP under regulation 5A of the Wine Regulations 2006. Those exempted from regulation 5A are listed separately under Exempt winemakers. Contains information: WSMPID, Operator, Physical Address, Processes (i.e. Bottling/Packing, Labelling), Agency, Status, Registration Date...Created 19 October 2018 • Updated 19 October 2018 -
Wine exporters
Ministry for Primary IndustriesList of wine exporters registered under the Wine Act 2003 for the purposes of exporting non-grape wine and wine not made in NZ. Contains information: ID, exporter, email address, postal address, physical address, location, registration date, expiry date Provide a listing in the public domain for registered, recognised, approved or listed operators,...Created 19 October 2018 • Updated 19 October 2018 -
Wharf registrations
Ministry for Primary IndustriesList of wharves verified by MPI Verification Services. Contains information: ID, organisation, physical address, email, verifying agency, status, registration date, day-to-day manager Provide a listing in the public domain for registered, recognised, approved or listed operators, businesses and persons under laws administered by MPI.Created 19 October 2018 • Updated 19 October 2018 -
Authorised Veterinary Persons
Ministry for Primary IndustriesList of authorised persons under Section 65 of the Animal Products Act 1999 authorised for MPI Dairy veterinary export certificates and for the withdrawal, reissuing and replacing of official assurances under section 64. Contains a list of authorised veterinary persons that are designated to sign following certificates: Dairy export certificates Fish...Created 19 October 2018 • Updated 19 October 2018 -
Animal Products Verifiers
Ministry for Primary IndustriesList of Verifiers recognised as having been assessed as competent to undertake the ongoing verification of (for example) a risk management programme and/or a regulated control scheme. A Recognised Person is someone who is recognised, under the Animal Products Act 1999, to perform specialist functions or activities including; verification, evaluation,...Created 19 October 2018 • Updated 19 October 2018 -
Unique Location Identifiers Register
Ministry for Primary IndustriesList of Dairy Unique Location Identifiers (ULIs). Contains a list of unique location identifiers including: Manufacturing Stores It includes information like unique location identifier, Business Operator (Dairy or Manufacturing), classes (i.e. Dairy produce, liquid milk products) Provide a listing in the public domain for registered, recognised, approved...Created 19 October 2018 • Updated 19 October 2018 -
Registered Risk Management Programmes - Dairy
Ministry for Primary IndustriesList of Animal Products Act Risk management Programmes (including dairy). Contains information including: Registration ID, RMP name, Operator, Address, Scope, Day to day manager, Applies to (i.e. Farm Dairy, Transporter), Date of Registration, Verification Agency (i.e. MPI - VS, AssureQuality Limited) Provide a listing in the public domain for registered,...Created 19 October 2018 • Updated 19 October 2018 -
Registered Risk Management Programmes - Animal Product
Ministry for Primary IndustriesList of Animal Products Act Risk management Programmes. Other processing operations can be found in the Fishing Vessels (limited processing) register (certain fishing vessels) and the Export Approved Premises lists (animal products not for human or animal consumption). Contains information including: RMP ID, Operator , Postal Address, Physical Address,...Created 19 October 2018 • Updated 19 October 2018 -
Recognised persons - wine verifiers
Ministry for Primary IndustriesList of recognised persons under the Wine Act to undertake verifications. Contains information: ID, name, email, organisation name, postal address, physical address, function, activities, effective date Provide a listing in the public domain for registered, recognised, approved or listed operators, businesses and persons under laws administered by MPI.Created 19 October 2018 • Updated 19 October 2018 -
Recognised agencies - verification under the Wine Act 2003
Ministry for Primary IndustriesList of all agencies recognised to manage and supply functions and activities under the Wine Act 2003. Contains information: ID, Operator, contact, vessel, postal address, product, status Provide a listing in the public domain for registered, recognised, approved or listed operators, businesses and persons under laws administered by MPI.Created 19 October 2018 • Updated 19 October 2018 -
Organic exporters
Ministry for Primary IndustriesContains a list of registered organic exporters, including information like e-mail address, postal address, physical address, location and registration date. Provide a listing in the public domain for registered, recognised, approved or listed operators, businesses and persons under laws administered by MPI.Created 19 October 2018 • Updated 19 October 2018 -
Limited processing fishing vessels
Ministry for Primary IndustriesList of Limited Processing Fishing Vessels. A registered Limited Processing Fishing Vessel's operation is restricted to limited processing (the washing, scaling, gutting, deheading, tubing, tailing, chilling, freezing, storage, packing, or transport of fish material or fish product for human consumption). Contains information: ID, Operator, contact,...Created 19 October 2018 • Updated 19 October 2018 -
Homekill and recreational catch service providers
Ministry for Primary IndustriesList of persons who undertake homekill or recreational catch services on behalf of animal owners or recreational hunters and fishers.Created 19 October 2018 • Updated 19 October 2018