Nitrate–nitrogen, 2009–2013
Ministry for the Environment"Small amounts of nitrogen are a natural component of healthy rivers. Nitrogen in rivers can vary due to differences in land use, climate, elevation, and geology. Nitrogen is transferred from land to water and is cycled through different forms, which can have different effects. Moderate concentrations of nitrate can cause weeds and algae to grow too fast....Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Gas and particulate matter emissions 2001–2013
Ministry for the Environment"This dataset shows estimated annual emissions for different pollutants (tonnes per square kilometre): Particulate matter 10 micrometres or less in diameter (PM10); Particulate matter 2.5 micrometres or less in diameter (PM2.5); Sulphur dioxide; Sulphur Oxides (SOx); Carbon Monoxide (CO), and; Nitrogen Oxides (NOx). Measures of: - PM10 and PM2.5 are from...Created 1 February 2024 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
River Environment Classification Catchment Order 7 (2010)
Ministry for the EnvironmentThe REC groups rivers and parts of river networks that share similar ecological characteristics, including physical and biological. Rivers that share the same class can be treated as similar to one another and different to rivers in other classes. The REC classification system groups rivers according to several environmental factors that strongly...Created 1 January 2023 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Freshwater pests: Koi carp
Ministry for the Environment"Freshwater plant and animal pests can have significant negative impacts on ecosystem health by reducing indigenous biodiversity through predation and competition, and destabilising aquatic habitats. Freshwater plant pests can cause economic losses through blocking water intakes for hydroelectricity generation, impeded drainage or irrigation. In addition,...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Environmental Limiting Factors (2012)
Ministry for the EnvironmentA spatial dataset identifying a set of environmental conditions that have potential to inhibit growth of newly-established woody vegetation such that it might not reach a ‘forest’ status (defined as greater than 30% cover of trees of 5 m height) within a 30-40 year timeframe. Inclusions: temperature, moisture availability, edaphic conditions, coastal...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Seamount closures
Ministry for the EnvironmentThe location and extent of seamount closures designated in the exclusive economic zone.Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Landsat4 1990 Footprints
Ministry for the EnvironmentNote: Metadata relates to the mosaicked imagery. This layer has been provided to enable users to explore coverage and capture dates of the imagery. To enquire about ordering the imagery, please e-mail lucas[at]mfe.govt.nz. This imagery is 15m, six-band multispectral, cloud-minimised mosaics of Landsat 4 satellite scenes over mainland New Zealand captured...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Median Escherichia coli concentration
Ministry for the EnvironmentE.coli is a type of bacteria commonly found in the intestines of warm–blooded animals (including people). When found in freshwater, it can indicate the presence of pathogens associated with faecal contamination, from sources such as waste from humans and farmed animals such as sheep and cows. E.coli concentrations can vary due to differences in land use,...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Distribution of red deer 2002–2014
Ministry for the Environment"The pressure from animal and plant pests is one of the biggest threats to biodiversity in the land environment. Pest predators (such as stoats and possums) eat eggs, birds, lizards, insects, and snails. Other animal pests (such as deer and goats) damage and kill trees and other plants and can compete with indigenous animals for the plants’ fruit and...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Marine Environment Classification EEZ 40 Classes (2010)
Ministry for the EnvironmentThe Marine Environment Classification (MEC), a GIS-based environmental classification of the marine environment of the New Zealand region, is an ecosystem-based spatial framework designed for marine management purposes. Several spatially-explicit data layers describing the physical environment define the MEC. A physically-based classification was chosen...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Ammoniacal nitrogen trends, 1989–2013
Ministry for the EnvironmentSmall amounts of nitrogen are a natural component of healthy rivers. Nitrogen is transferred from land to water and is cycled through different forms, which can have different effects. Moderate concentrations of nitrate can cause weeds and algae to grow too fast. High concentrations of ammoniacal and nitrate nitrogen can be toxic to fish and other aquatic...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Lightning recorders
Ministry for the EnvironmentLightning is the discharge of electricity from thunderstorms. Ground strikes can cause significant damage to property and infrastructure, and injure or kill people and livestock. Lightning is often associated with other severe weather events, such as strong wind gusts. Thunderstorms may increase in frequency and intensity with climate change. This dataset...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
DoC marine mammal sanctuaries
Ministry for the EnvironmentThe location and extent of Marine mammal sanctuaries in the territorial sea and the exclusive economic zone.Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Marine Reserves
Ministry for the EnvironmentThe location and extent of Marine reserves (type 1 marine protected areas) in the territorial sea.Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
LUCAS NZ Forest LiDAR Footprints
Ministry for the EnvironmentNote: Metadata relates to LiDAR point clouds. This layer has been provided to enable users to explore coverage and capture dates of the LiDAR. To enquire about ordering the LiDAR and/or related orthophotography, please e-mail lucas[at]mfe.govt.nz. Ministry for the Environment, Land Use Carbon Analysis System collection of swaths of LiDAR over planted...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Indigenous vegetation cover remaining and protection 2001–2012
Ministry for the Environment"New Zealand’s land area has been divided into 500 land environments, each defined by their unique climate, topography, and soils. The extent to which indigenous vegetation is represented in these different land environments, and how that vegetation is formally protected, is described by ‘threatened environment’ categories. These categories can be...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Land cover database v4 0 class orders
Ministry for the Environment"Land cover describes the extent of vegetation, water bodies, built environments, and bare natural surfaces (eg gravel and rock) across New Zealand. Measuring the composition and changes in land cover can help us understand the pressures that different land uses are placing on the biodiversity and functioning of ecosystems. This data set relates to the...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
River Environment Classification Catchment Order 6 (2010)
Ministry for the EnvironmentThe REC groups rivers and parts of river networks that share similar ecological characteristics, including physical and biological. Rivers that share the same class can be treated as similar to one another and different to rivers in other classes. The REC classification system groups rivers according to several environmental factors that strongly...Created 1 January 2023 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Prediction of wetlands before humans arrived
Ministry for the Environment"Wetlands support unique biodiversity and provide important services. They clean water of nutrients and sediment, help dampen floods, provide habitat, and act as carbon sinks. They are also valued for their spiritual and cultural significance and as important sources of food and materials, such as flax. Draining them for agricultural and urban development...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
River Environment Classification Catchment Order 1 (2010)
Ministry for the EnvironmentThe REC groups rivers and parts of river networks that share similar ecological characteristics, including physical and biological. Rivers that share the same class can be treated as similar to one another and different to rivers in other classes. The REC classification system groups rivers according to several environmental factors that strongly...Created 1 January 2023 • Updated 3 March 2025