Gas and particulate matter emissions 2001–2013

"This dataset shows estimated annual emissions for different pollutants (tonnes per square kilometre): Particulate matter 10 micrometres or less in diameter (PM10); Particulate matter 2.5 micrometres or less in diameter (PM2.5); Sulphur dioxide; Sulphur Oxides (SOx); Carbon Monoxide (CO), and; Nitrogen Oxides (NOx).

Measures of: - PM10 and PM2.5 are from home heating - SOx are from Industrial sources - CO and NOx are from road motor vehicles.

Data for PM10 (PM10_t_km_yr_) and PM2.5 (PM25_t_km_yr_) are provided for 2006 and 2013, including percent difference (PM10_PC_difference) and (PM25_PC_difference).

Data for CO (MV_CO_t_km_yr_) and NOx (MV_NOx_t_km_yr_) are provided for 2001 and 2013, include percent difference (MV_CO_PC_diff_01_13) and NOx (MV_NOx_PC_diff_01_13).

Data for SOx is for 2013 only (I_SOx_t_km_yr_2013).

Data is broken down by territorial authority area.

This dataset relates to various Environmental measurse on the Environmental Indicators, Te taiao Aotearoa website: home heating; road motor vehicle emissions, and industrial emissions.

Geometry: Polygons

Units: t/km/yr"

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Ministry for the Environment
Maintainer Ministry for the Environment
Maintainer Email Ministry for the Environment
Source Created 2015-12-09T00:52:04.257275Z
Source Modified 2023-12-07T21:19:18.947660Z
Language English
Spatial {"type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[[[166.262049967824, -47.2230477826961], [166.262049967824, -34.12956459140795], [180.0, -34.12956459140795], [180.0, -47.2230477826961], [166.262049967824, -47.2230477826961]]], [[[-180.0, -34.12956459140795], [-175.9057255802959, -34.12956459140795], [-175.9057255802959, -47.2230477826961], [-180.0, -47.2230477826961], [-180.0, -34.12956459140795]]]]}
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 1 February 2024, last updated 3 March 2025