Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedThe Marine Environment Classification (MEC), a GIS-based environmental classification of the marine environment of the New Zealand region, is an ecosystem-based spatial framework designed for marine management purposes. Developed by NIWA with support from the Ministry for the Environment (MfE), Department of Conservation and Ministry of Fisheries, and...Created 11 November 2020 • Updated 10 September 2021 -
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedThe Marine Environment Classification (MEC), a GIS-based environmental classification of the marine environment of the New Zealand region, is an ecosystem-based spatial framework designed for marine management purposes. Developed by NIWA with support from the Ministry for the Environment (MfE), Department of Conservation and Ministry of Fisheries, and...Created 11 November 2020 • Updated 10 September 2021 -
MEC EEZ 10 class
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedThe Marine Environment Classification (MEC), a GIS-based environmental classification of the marine environment of the New Zealand region, is an ecosystem-based spatial framework designed for marine management purposes. Developed by NIWA with support from the Ministry for the Environment (MfE), Department of Conservation and Ministry of Fisheries, and...Created 11 November 2020 • Updated 10 September 2021 -
MEC EEZ 20 class
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedThe Marine Environment Classification (MEC), a GIS-based environmental classification of the marine environment of the New Zealand region, is an ecosystem-based spatial framework designed for marine management purposes. Developed by NIWA with support from the Ministry for the Environment (MfE), Department of Conservation and Ministry of Fisheries, and...Created 11 November 2020 • Updated 10 September 2021 -
waik riv
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedDN3 Stream and Watershed Attributes.Stream attributes:Field NameTypeFormatDescriptionUniqueShapeGeometryGeometry attributeyesOBJECTIDLongNumericUnique ID of featureyesfrom_nodeLongNumericUpstream node IDyesto_nodeLongNumericDownstream node IDyesHydroIDLongNumericPrimary keyyesGridIDLongNumericID from delineation grid.yesnextDownIDLongNumericID of...Created 10 September 2021 • Updated 10 September 2021 -
auck riv
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedDN3 Stream and Watershed Attributes.Stream attributes:Field NameTypeFormatDescriptionUniqueShapeGeometryGeometry attributeyesOBJECTIDLongNumericUnique ID of featureyesfrom_nodeLongNumericUpstream node IDyesto_nodeLongNumericDownstream node IDyesHydroIDLongNumericPrimary keyyesGridIDLongNumericID from delineation grid.yesnextDownIDLongNumericID of...Created 10 September 2021 • Updated 10 September 2021 -
MEC EEZ 40 class
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedThe Marine Environment Classification (MEC), a GIS-based environmental classification of the marine environment of the New Zealand region, is an ecosystem-based spatial framework designed for marine management purposes. Developed by NIWA with support from the Ministry for the Environment (MfE), Department of Conservation and Ministry of Fisheries, and...Created 11 November 2020 • Updated 10 September 2021 -
tas wsd
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedDN3 Stream and Watershed Attributes.Stream attributes:Field NameTypeFormatDescriptionUniqueShapeGeometryGeometry attributeyesOBJECTIDLongNumericUnique ID of featureyesfrom_nodeLongNumericUpstream node IDyesto_nodeLongNumericDownstream node IDyesHydroIDLongNumericPrimary keyyesGridIDLongNumericID from delineation grid.yesnextDownIDLongNumericID of...Created 10 September 2021 • Updated 10 September 2021 -
waik wsd
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedDN3 Stream and Watershed Attributes.Stream attributes:Field NameTypeFormatDescriptionUniqueShapeGeometryGeometry attributeyesOBJECTIDLongNumericUnique ID of featureyesfrom_nodeLongNumericUpstream node IDyesto_nodeLongNumericDownstream node IDyesHydroIDLongNumericPrimary keyyesGridIDLongNumericID from delineation grid.yesnextDownIDLongNumericID of...Created 10 September 2021 • Updated 10 September 2021 -
tara riv
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedDN3 Stream and Watershed Attributes.Stream attributes:Field NameTypeFormatDescriptionUniqueShapeGeometryGeometry attributeyesOBJECTIDLongNumericUnique ID of featureyesfrom_nodeLongNumericUpstream node IDyesto_nodeLongNumericDownstream node IDyesHydroIDLongNumericPrimary keyyesGridIDLongNumericID from delineation grid.yesnextDownIDLongNumericID of...Created 10 September 2021 • Updated 10 September 2021 -
nieast riv
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedDN3 Stream and Watershed Attributes.Stream attributes:Field NameTypeFormatDescriptionUniqueShapeGeometryGeometry attributeyesOBJECTIDLongNumericUnique ID of featureyesfrom_nodeLongNumericUpstream node IDyesto_nodeLongNumericDownstream node IDyesHydroIDLongNumericPrimary keyyesGridIDLongNumericID from delineation grid.yesnextDownIDLongNumericID of...Created 10 September 2021 • Updated 10 September 2021 -
well riv
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedDN3 Stream and Watershed Attributes.Stream attributes:Field NameTypeFormatDescriptionUniqueShapeGeometryGeometry attributeyesOBJECTIDLongNumericUnique ID of featureyesfrom_nodeLongNumericUpstream node IDyesto_nodeLongNumericDownstream node IDyesHydroIDLongNumericPrimary keyyesGridIDLongNumericID from delineation grid.yesnextDownIDLongNumericID of...Created 10 September 2021 • Updated 10 September 2021 -
Flood Statistics 2018 REC1
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedLayer used in public web app https://niwa.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=933e8f24fe9140f99dfb57173087f27d to provide Flood Estimation for New Zealand 1. Modelled flood frequency estimates on river lines.NZREACH NZ digital network 1 ID no.River name where availableAreakm2 catchment area draining to the downstream end of this reach (square...Created 10 September 2021 • Updated 10 September 2021 -
Flood Statistics Flow Gauges 2018
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedLayer used in public web app https://niwa.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=933e8f24fe9140f99dfb57173087f27d to provide Flood Estimation for New Zealand 1. Modelled flood frequency estimates on river lines.NZREACH NZ digital network 1 ID no.River name where availableAreakm2 catchment area draining to the downstream end of this reach (square...Created 10 September 2021 • Updated 10 September 2021 -
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedBoI Bay of Islands Aerial Photo Color Mosaic (Aerial Imagery for OS2020 project)_________________Item Page Created: 2017-06-14 22:23 Item Page Last Modified: 2020-07-10 01:47Owner: steinmetzt_NIWACreated 10 September 2021 • Updated 10 September 2021 -
Westpac chromis damselfish in coral-reef habitat in the western Pacific
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedFive new species of the damselfish genus Chromis (Perciformes3: Labroidei: Pomacentridae) are described from specimens collected from deep (>60 m) coral-reef habitat in the western Pacific by divers using mixed-gas closed-circuit rebreather gear. Two of the five new species (C. abyssus and C. circumaurea) are each described from specimens taken at a...Created 11 November 2020 • Updated 10 September 2021 -
Antarctic Biodiversity Studies 2006 - Ross Sea, Scott Island, and Balleny...
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedThe MFish survey plan was two fold. First was the collection of underway data during transits and while the geophysical survey was progressing. These data included towing a continuous plankton recorder during transits, continual surface fluorescence measurements, water temperature and salinity measurements, recording data from the 120khz echo sounder, sea...Created 11 November 2020 • Updated 10 September 2021 -
Biological data from the Soviet Antarctic Expedition (1955-1958)
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedThe marine program of the Soviet Antarctic Expedition was carried out on board the diesel-turbine powered "Ob" (1955-1958) as part of the International Geophysical Year. Supplementary material was also provided by the Antarctic station "Mirnyi" and the whalers "Slava" and "Sovetskaya Ukraina". Biological occurrence...Created 11 November 2020 • Updated 10 September 2021 -
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedREC2 (River Environment Classification, v2.5) - June 2019 [Hosted Feature Layer] This service depicts rivers as lines and catchments as polygons The River Environment Classification (REC) is a database of catchment spatial attributes, summarised for every segment in New Zealand's network of rivers. The attributes were compiled for the purposes of river...Created 11 November 2020 • Updated 10 September 2021 -
MBIS Soviet Trawl Fishery Data
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedThis dataset comprises catch compositions and trawl locations from cruises of Russian fishery research vessels carried out in New Zealand waters between 1964 and 1987, containing 11547 demersal trawls from around New Zealand, Kermadec Islands, Antarctic coast and Tasman Sea. The data were obtained by exchange between the New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries...Created 11 November 2020 • Updated 10 September 2021