Five new species of the damselfish genus Chromis (Perciformes3: Labroidei: Pomacentridae) are described from specimens collected from deep (>60 m) coral-reef habitat in the western Pacific by divers using mixed-gas closed-circuit rebreather gear. Two of the five new species (C. abyssus and C. circumaurea) are each described from specimens taken at a single locality within the Caroline Islands (Palau and Yap, respectively); one (C. degruyi) is described from specimens collected or observed throughout the Caroline Islands, and two (C. brevirostris and C. earina) are described from specimens collected from several localities throughout the Caroline Islands, Fiji, and Vanuatu. All five species can easily be distinguished from other known Chromis, and from each other, on the basis of colour and morphology. These new species represent the first five scientific names prospectively registered in the official ICZN ZooBank registry.Citation: Pyle, Richard L., John L. Earle & Brian D. Greene. 2008. Data from: Five new species of the damselfish genus Chromis (Perciformes: Labroidei: Pomacentridae) from deep coral reefs in the tropical western Pacific. Southwestern Pacific OBIS, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Wellington, New Zealand, 38 records.Online: httsp:// Released on June 25, 2015.Bibliographic Citations: Pyle, Richard L., John L. Earle & Brian D. Greene. 2008. Five new species of the damselfish genus Chromis (Perciformes: Labroidei: Pomacentridae) from deep coral reefs in the tropical western Pacific. Zootaxa, 1671:3-31________________Item Page Created: 2016-06-09 02:39 Item Page Last Modified: 2021-06-24 03:51Owner: steinmetzt_NIWAWestpac_chromisNo data edit dates availableFields: id,modified,language,bibliographicCitation,institutionCode,collectionCode,datasetName,basisOfRecord,dynamicProperties,source,catalogNumber,occurrenceRemarks,individualCount,sex,lifeStage,occurrenceStatus,associatedTaxa,eventID,samplingProtocol,eventDate,startDayOfYear,year,month,day,fieldNumber,waterBody,country,stateProvince,county,locality,minimumDepthInMeters,maximumDepthInMeters,decimalLatitude,decimalLongitude,geodeticDatum,coordinateUncertaintyInMeters,footprintWKT,identifiedBy,typeStatus,scientificNameID,scientificName,kingdom,phylum,class,order,family,genus,subgenus,specificEpithet,infraspecificEpithet,scientificNameAuthorship,FID