White Pointer, Great White Shark - Annual Distribution

Open NABIS ApplicationThe purpose of this information is to show the annual distribution of the white pointer, great white sharkLineage - Document describing the data source used, history of changes, background information about the given layer, and referencesCreator - National Institute of Water and Atmospheric ResearchPublisher - Ministry for Primary IndustriesContributor - Malcolm Francis, NIWA, WellingtonCustodian - Ministry for Primary IndustriesJurisdiction of Custodian - New ZealandRights - Crown Copyright Reserved.Subject - Annual distribution of adult white pointer, great white shark within the waters around New ZealandSource - Multiple sources - see Lineage for detailsLanguage - EnglishRelation - Function - To ensure that fisheries are sustainably used within a healthy aquatic ecosystemLayer Type - biotaAudience - AllMandate - New Zealand Biodiversity StrategyProgress - CompletedMetadata - Compliant with NZGLS and ANZLICLayer InformationSpecies Common Name - Great white sharkSpecies Scientific Name - Carcharodon carcharias (Linnaeus 1758)Species Maori Name - Mango taniwha, Mango ururoa, TupaSpecies Code - WPSEndangered Status - VulnerableSeason - AnnualHabitat Type - Demersal inshoreMinimum Depth - 0 mMaximum Depth - 1200 mAccuracyAlert Level - NoneWarnings and Problems - NonePositional Accuracy - 100 kmAttribute Accuracy - Attribute data have been checked against Ministry for Primary Industries guidelines and no significant problems are known.Logical Consistency - Logical consistency has been checked against Ministry for Primary Industries guidelines and no significant problems are known.Completeness - Completeness of the information layer has been checked against independent descriptions of the distribution of the white pointer, great white shark and no significant problems are known.Certified/Refereed By - Owen Anderson (NIWA) & Clinton Duffy (DoC)Certification Date - 01/01/0001CoverageCoverage Name - Coverage: Spatial Northern - Coverage: Spatial Southern - Coverage: Spatial Eastern - Coverage: Spatial Western - Coverage: Temporal Earliest - 01/01/1872Coverage: Temporal Latest - 21/03/2011Distribution Northern - 24.00° SDistribution Southern - 53.25° SDistribution Eastern - 167.00° WDistribution Western - 157.00° EMaintenanceLayer Date Received - 07/02/2007Layer Date Loaded - 31/05/2007Layer Date Renewed - 14/01/2013Metadata Date Received - 07/02/2007Metadata Date Loaded - 31/05/2007Metadata Date Renewed - 14/01/2013Maintenance and Update Frequency - asNeededApproved for Promotion By - Information Management, Ministry for Primary IndustriesApproved for Promotion Date - 30/05/2007

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme ["geospatial"]
Author Ministry for Primary Industries
Maintainer MPIGeospatialManagement
Maintainer Email MPIGeospatialManagement
Source https://data-mpi.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/d545a95ceb8b4bc9b1de8305e630aa1f_194
Source Created 2016-10-09T23:57:42.000Z
Source Modified 2021-02-26T02:43:03.000Z
Language English
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[143.0806, -47.5105], [170.3187, -47.5105], [170.3187, -18.3351], [143.0806, -18.3351], [143.0806, -47.5105]]]}
Source Identifier https://data-mpi.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/d545a95ceb8b4bc9b1de8305e630aa1f_194
Dataset metadata created 12 July 2021, last updated 1 October 2021