Wellington City Corrosion Zone as determined by NZS 3604:2011. Corrosion Zones relate to the severity of exposure to wind-driven salt, with B being low risk, C medium risk and D high risk (Category A is not applicable in New Zealand). The Wellington City territory authority area is located in zone C aside from the coastal zone. For this reason the coastal zone is the only corrosion zone included in this layer as its shape is determined by the shape of the coast and is needed for an easy reference for any particular property.The Wellington City Corrosion Zones layer was originally created from a 500m buffer of MHWS (mean high water springs). MHWS is calcuated at 0.855m elevation above 0 using the 1m DEM.For further information on Corrosion Zones you can visit:www.branz.co.nzThis item has been created to be used in WCC's Open Data Portal.