Tier 1 statistics 2018/19: New Zealand Health Survey

This release covers the most important statistics (Tier 1) from the 2018/19 New Zealand Health Survey. The statistics included are: Self-rated health, smoking (current), past-year drinking, hazardous drinking, obesity, mental health status (psychological distress), unmet need for GP due to cost, unfilled prescription due to cost.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme Health
Author Ministry of Health
Maintainer Health and Disability Intelligence
Maintainer Email Health and Disability Intelligence
Maintainer Phone 0800 855 066
Update frequency Annual
Source https://www.health.govt.nz/publication/tier-1-statistics-2018-19-new-zealand-health-survey
Source Created Unknown
Source Modified 2019-11-14
Language English
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 21 November 2019, last updated 21 November 2019