Tide Gauge Data, Scott Base

A sea level recorder and barometer was installed at Scott Base in January 2001 initially to support oceanographic and hazards research (including tsunami) and to support hydrographic surveying. The sea-level recorder is a nitrogen bubbler system with a paroscientific pressure transducer located on a bottom-mounted spigot of the osmosis boom (to enable lifting for maintenance), that ensures the orifice always returns to the same point. Sea level and atmospheric pressure and temperature are recorded at 5 minute intervals and stored every 24 hours. Each year the rise and fall of the sea ice is observed over a 2-3 day period during a spring tide using GPS. These measurements are related to a tide gauge benchmark and the sea surface to enable the reliability of the tide gauge to be checked.

GET DATA: https://sealevel-data.linz.govt.nz/index.html?tidegauge=SCOT

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Additional Info

Field Value
Maintainer Email mamos@linz.govt.nz
Update frequency Irregular
Source Created 2023-08-12T00:07:53
Source Modified 2023-08-29T21:41:24
Language English
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[153.877, -79.2632], [175.6868, -79.2632], [175.6868, -73.3027], [153.877, -73.3027], [153.877, -79.2632]]]}
Source Identifier 007be6df-e385-46e4-9ee4-2ee3e040003d
Dataset metadata created 8 September 2023, last updated 8 September 2023