This file contains fault mapping used to construct Fault Avoidance Zones for active faults in Wellington City (Morgenstern and Van Dissen 2020). The faults were mapped using: 1) LiDAR data; 2) 2017 urban and rural aerial photographs; 3) the NZ Active Faults Database; 4) published papers and maps (Ota et al. 1981; Begg and Mazengarb 1996; Begg and Johnston 2000; Barnes et al. 2019; Kaiser et al. 2019); 5) unpublished GNS Science Consulting and Science reports (Perrin and Wood 2003a, b; Van Dissen et al. 2003, 2005; Litchfield and Van Dissen 2014; Berryman 2019); 6) and the authors’ first-hand knowledge of the geology and active faulting in the district.These data should be used to assist future land use planning, particularly with regard to building on "Greenfield" (i.e. previously undeveloped land) sites or in the renovation of buildings in areas adjacent to active faults in accordance to the Ministry for the Environment "Planning for Development on or Close to Active Faults" (Kerr et al. 2003).These data should be used in conjunction with the associated GNS Science report CR2020/57.