Tapu Te Ranga Site - 2024 Operative District Plan

Intended Purpose:A polygon dataset of Specific Controls created for the Wellington City Council District Plan as part of the District Plan Review Process. Specific control refers to a site or area which has provisions that are different from other spatial layers or district-wide provisions that apply to that site or area. This layer contains spatial definitions for the following specific controls: Active FrontagesAreas of Change (Special Purpose Waterfront Zone)Curtis Street Building Setback ControlsHorokiwi Area Lyall Bay Parade Frontage ControlMinimum Sunlight Access - Public Space RequirementsNon-Residential Activity Frontages Old St Paul's - Adjoining Building Control Public Open Space (Special Purpose Waterfront Zone)Tapu Te Ranga SiteVerandah Controls Abbreviations/Acronyms:ePlan - "Electronic Plan" the web version of the District PlanPDP - Proposed District PlanIHP - Independent Hearings PanelWCC - Wellington City Council Refresh Rate (Data only):Static Ownership:This data is owned by WCC District Planning Team, contact District.Plan@wcc.govt.nz for questions about this layer and its appropriate use cases. Ownership specifies legal or administrative control over the content. Stewardship:This data is maintained by WCC City Insights Team, contact cityinsightsgis@wcc.govt.nz for information about the creation of this layer and its maintenance. Custodianship:This data is maintained by WCC City Insights Team, contact cityinsightsgis@wcc.govt.nz for information about the creation of this layer and its maintenance. Stewardship addresses the ongoing care, maintenance, and management of the content.Authoritative Data Sources (Data only):This data has been prepared based on the WCC District Plan Review Process.Summary of Data Collection (Data only):Specific control refers to a site or area which has provisions that are different from other spatial layers or district-wide provisions that apply to that site or area. The specific control boundaries in PDP was created by the WCC District Plan team following the National Planning Standard (https://environment.govt.nz/publications/national-planning-standards/). The specific control boundaries were subsequently modified as part of the District Plan Review Process.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Theme ["geospatial"]
Author Wellington City Council
Maintainer WellingtonCityCouncil
Maintainer Email WellingtonCityCouncil
Source https://data-wcc.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/WCC::tapu-te-ranga-site-2024-operative-district-plan
Source Created 2024-06-04T03:50:10.000Z
Source Modified 2024-06-05T23:32:33.000Z
Language English
Spatial {"coordinates": [[174.7376, -41.3434], [174.8751, -41.1565]], "type": "envelope"}
Source Identifier https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=76221a20b8c5411187866e784eb7f11c&sublayer=115
Dataset metadata created 3 July 2024, last updated 3 December 2024