This dataset is the definitive set of statistical area 1 (SA1) boundaries concorded to higher geographies for 2023. This version contains 33,164 SA1s, including 16 with empty or null geometries (non-digitised SA1s).
SA1 is an output geography that allows the release of more detailed information about population characteristics than is available at the meshblock level.
Built by joining meshblocks, SA1s have an ideal size range of 100–200 residents, and a maximum population of about 500. This is to minimise suppression of population data in multivariate statistics tables.
This SA1 higher geographies 2023 file is a correspondence, or concordance, which relates SA1s to larger geographic areas or 'higher geographies'. The higher geographies contained in this concordance are: statistical area 2 (SA22023), statistical area 3 (SA32023), urban rural (UR2023), and urban rural indicator (IUR2023), urban accessibility indicator (IUA), functional urban area (FUA), indicator functional urban area (IFUA) and functional urban area type (TFUA), territorial authority (TA2023), and regional council (REGC2023). The geography urban accessibility indicator (IUA), was first published in 2020 and added to this concordance in 2022.
For more information please refer to the Statistical standard for geographic areas 2023.
Generalised version
This generalised version has been simplified for rapid drawing and is designed for thematic or web mapping purposes.
Names are provided with and without tohutō/macrons. The column name for those without macrons is suffixed ‘ascii’.
Digital data
Digital boundary data became freely available on 1 July 2007.
To download geographic classifications in table formats such as CSV please use Ariā