This dataset is the definitive version of the annually released statistical area 1 (SA1) boundaries concorded to higher geographies at 1 January 2018, clipped to the coastline. This statistical area 1 higher geographies 2018 file is a correspondence, or concordance, which relates SA1s to larger geographic areas or 'higher geographies'. The higher geographies contained in this concordance are: regional council (REGC2018), statistical area 2 (SA22018), territorial authority (TA2018), urban rural (UR2018), and urban rural indicator (IUR2018).The following geographies were introduced in 2018: statistical area 1 (SA12018), statistical area 2 (SA22018), urban rural (UR2018), and urban rural indicator (IUR2018). These new geographies are part of the Statistical Standard for Geographic Areas 2018 (SSGA18) which replaces the 1992 New Zealand Standard Areas Classification (NZSAC92). The statistical standard for geographic areas is to be used from 2018 (SSGA18). It defines the Stats NZ input and output geographic classifications and describes their primary purposes, and sets out requirements and guidelines for the creation and maintenance of statistical geographies. Statistical area geographies are aggregations of meshblocks optimised to be of similar population sizes to enable the release of low-level data. They are non-administrative areas that are in between meshblocks and territorial authorities in size. Statistical areas either define or aggregate to define urban rural areas, territorial authorities, and regional councils.
Digital boundary data became freely available on 1 July 2007. This generalised version has been simplified for rapid drawing and is designed for thematic or web mapping purposes.
Please note that a review of SA2 names was undertaken in early 2018. The review addressed issues with inconsistent naming and applied corrections, resulting in an update to this dataset applied in May 2018. All SA2 codes are unchanged.