Special Amenity Landscapes (SCHED11) - Proposed District Plan (PDP)

The landscapes and features identified by Boffa Miskell will form an overlay in the new District Plan. Currently District Plan is being reviewed; Outstanding Natural Features will be protected with appropriate policies as outlined in the Resource Management Act (1991) and the Regional Policy Statement (2013).The Wellington City Landscape Evaluation was commissioned by Wellington City Council (WCC) to inform the development of measures for the long term management of the City’s landscapes in our District Plan. The evaluation identifies and maps landscapes as required by the Regional Policy Statement for the Wellington Region (RPS). Landscapes and features are categorised as either outstanding natural landscapes (ONLs) outstanding natural features (ONFs) or special amenity landscapes (SALs).Building on the 2014 Landscape Character Description (Boffa Miskell Ltd, 2014) that describes the non-urban parts of Wellington City landscapes, the evaluation assesses the attributes that make them valued in terms of the RPS and Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA). The evaluation considers landscapes and features that are highly valued for ecological, sensory, and aesthetic characteristics and their contribution to community identity. WCC commissioned Boffa Miskell Ltd to undertake the evaluation.In August 2019, the Place Planning team began engagement with members of the public whose property boundaries overlapped with an outstanding landscape boundary as part of the Backyard Tāonga project. In March 2020, the Place Planning team began consultation on the Draft Spatial Plan as a precursor for a full District Plan review.For more information contact the Backyard Tāonga project team by email: backyardtaonga@wcc.govt.nz 

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Additional Info

Field Value
Theme ["geospatial"]
Author Wellington City Council
Maintainer WellingtonCityCouncil
Maintainer Email WellingtonCityCouncil
Source https://data-wcc.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/WCC::special-amenity-landscapes-sched11-proposed-district-plan-pdp
Source Created 2022-08-03T22:08:46.000Z
Source Modified 2022-08-18T02:35:57.000Z
Language English
Spatial {"coordinates": [[174.6151, -41.3639], [174.8714, -41.1423]], "type": "envelope"}
Source Identifier https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=20e8030b789f4245b64b8fde2568e527&sublayer=82
Dataset metadata created 11 September 2022, last updated 3 December 2024