Southland Flood Protection Dams

The dams form part of Environment Southland's flood protection infrastructure.  The flood protection network, including 458 km of stopbanks, 7 dams and associated culverts and structures protects major population centres, smaller townships and large swathes of rural production land.Environment Southland maintains four detention dams and three retention dams on behalf of the community.  Waihopai, Otepuni, Kingswell and Winton dams are detention dams which protect urban areas from surface flooding.  Clayton's, Lagoon Creek and Dawson City are retention dams in northern Southland proetecting rural areas from flooding and reducing the channel and bridge/culvert damage downstream of the structures.More information can be found in Our Threats: Southland Water: Part 4 and Infrastructure Strategy 2018-2048

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme ["geospatial"]
Author Environment Southland
Maintainer EnvironmentSouthlandGIS
Maintainer Email EnvironmentSouthlandGIS
Source Created 2018-06-27T02:37:33.000Z
Source Modified 2020-12-02T01:38:00.000Z
Language English
Spatial { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [167.7960, -46.4158], [168.4836, -46.4158], [168.4836, -45.4378], [167.7960, -45.4378], [167.7960, -46.4158] ] ] }
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 17 April 2022, last updated 10 August 2022