Sites of Significance to Māori (Lines) - Draft District Plan (DDP)

Sites and areas of significance to Māori are identified for their cultural significance and their contribution to an understanding and appreciation of the relationship mana whenua have with the landscape and the history of Wellington City. The District Plan has categorised all sites for the purposes of managing the effects of different activities on these sites. Category A sites include Wāhi Tapu, Wāhi Tīpuna, Wāhi Kainga, Wāhi Mahinga Kai sites and areas that have high level of significance. Category B sites include Wāhi Taonga, Wāhi Tawhito, Nga Ara Tawhito, Nga Ara Pakanga sites and areas that are significant for Mana Whenua, however they may not match the level of significance to the sites and areas listed in Category A. In addition to this categorisation above, while some sites are historical sites, others are living spaces and contemporary sites that require treatment based on the current use and development of ‘here and now’. 

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme ["geospatial"]
Author Wellington City Council
Maintainer WellingtonCityCouncil
Maintainer Email WellingtonCityCouncil
Source Created 2021-10-11T23:38:03.000Z
Source Modified 2021-11-03T22:16:02.000Z
Language English
Spatial {"coordinates": [[174.7135, -41.3044], [174.8725, -41.1517]], "type": "envelope"}
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 11 September 2022, last updated 3 December 2024