INDEX ONLY: These footprints are the index for the 'Sentinel2 2024 Mainland NZ' mosaic. It has been provided to enable users to explore coverage and capture dates of the component imagery. To enquire about ordering the imagery itself, please e-mail lucas[at] Some imagery is available to stream at
This imagery is 10m, ten-band multispectral 1 (“B2” 490nm), 2 (“B3” 560nm), 3 (“B4” 665nm), 4 (“B5” 705nm), 5 (“B6” 740nm), 6 (“B7” 783nm), 7 (“B8” 842nm), 8 (“B8a” 865nm), 9 (“B11” 1610nm), 10 (“B12” 2190nm), cloud-minimised mosaics of Sentinel 2A and 2B satellite tiles over mainland New Zealand made from scenes captured late-2023/early-2024.