Regional Policy Statement: Lake Rotorua Surface Water Catchment

This data shows the Lake Rotorua surface water catchment, a portion of which is within the Waikato region and relevant to the map in Appendix H - Portions of Rotorua Lake Catchment within Waikato Region of the Regional Policy Statement (RPS). Operative October 2014.

The catchment boundaries were generated for the area from 2006 Rotorua LiDAR where this was inside the Bay of Plenty regional boundary. However some catchments on the edges of the area covered by the LiDAR are not complete. They can be seen in the data as those with straight edges. The catchments were created from a 2m ground digital elevation model (DEM).

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Additional Info

Field Value
Author Bay of Plenty Regional Council
Source Created Unknown
Source Modified Unknown
Language English
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 4 May 2020, last updated 8 June 2020