River water quality, raw data by NRWQN site, 1989-2013

River water quality water is valued for many reasons including ecological function and habitat, recreational value, its role in supporting people and industry, and its cultural significance. Nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus are essential for plant growth, however too much can lead to ‘nuisance’ growths of river algae and aquatic plants, degrading habitat. High concentrations in the form of ammoniacal nitrogen and nitrate-nitrogen can be toxic to fish and other aquatic animals. Water clarity is a measure of underwater visibility, and affects habitat of aquatic life such as fish and birds, and can also impact on aesthetic values and recreational use of rivers and streams. Escherichia coli (E.coli) can indicate the presence of pathogens (disease-causing organisms) from animal or human faeces, which can cause illness.

File contains raw data collected at NIWA monitored sites of the National River Water Quality Network (NRWQN) over the period 1989-2013. The NRWQN network is used to calculate national trends in river water quality. Fields are described as follows. Refer to Larned et al. 2015 for further details: * sID ---- Unique site ID * srcid ---- Region site is located in * sflag ---- River (r) or Estuary (e) * river ---- River name * location ---- Name of site * nzmge ---- easting * nzmgn ---- northing * NZReach ---- REC1 segment identifier * sDate ---- sample date * Q ---- Recorded flow when sample was taken, cumecs * npid ---- NIWA parameter ID (as used in Larned et al. 2015) * values ---- Parameter value (units are mg/m3, except CLAR (m) and ECOLI (n/100 mL))

For more information please see: Larned, S, Snelder, T, Unwin, M, McBride, G, Verburg, P, McMillan, H (2015).Analysis of Water Quality in New Zealand lakes and Rivers: data sources, data sets, assumptions, limitations, methods and results. NIWA Client Report no. CHC2015-033. Available at https://data.mfe.govt.nz/x/DDui3u from the Ministry for the Environment dataservice.

This dataset relates to the "River water quality" measures on the Environmental Indicators, Te taiao Aotearoa website.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Author Ministry for the Environment
Maintainer Ministry for the Environment
Maintainer Email Ministry for the Environment
Source https://data.mfe.govt.nz/table/52532-river-water-quality-raw-data-by-nrwqn-site-1989-2013/
Source Created 2015-09-29T04:46:41.314777Z
Source Modified 2015-10-18T23:54:54.357763Z
Language English
Source Identifier https://data.mfe.govt.nz/table/52532-river-water-quality-raw-data-by-nrwqn-site-1989-2013/
Dataset metadata created 2 February 2020, last updated 3 March 2025