Adapted by Ministry for the Environment and Statistics New Zealand to provide for environmental reporting transparency. Dataset used to develop the "River water quality: Escherichia coli" indicator (available at
This dataset contains one parameter of water quality based on measurements made at monitored river sites:
Escherichia coli in river waters is one of five parameters that provide an overview of New Zealand’s river water quality and how it is changing over time.
This dataset includes:
- E. coli concentrations measured at monitoring sites for New Zealand’s river length for the period 2016–2020
- A comparison of measured E. coli concentrations at monitored sites with the proportion of human modified landcover in the upstream catchment area
- predicted risk of Campylobacter infection, as shown by the median concentration, 95th percentile and percentage of results above 260 and 540 colony forming units per 100 millilitres (cfu/100 mL) compared to the National Objectives Framework (NOF) bands related to human contact
More information on this dataset and how it relates to our environmental reporting indicators and topics can be found in the attached data quality pdf.
Summary report available at