Unpublished TB-related reports
Data and Resources
LC1106 Barron R-10736 Possum TB Model Report.pdfPDF
Barron M 2012. Extending and validating the Landcare Research Possum-TB Model. Landcare Research Contract Report LC1106 for the Animal Health Board (R-10736). DOI: https://doi.org/10.7931/4txh-7g74
LC234 Barron R-10731 DeerModelReport.pdfPDF
Barron MC, Nugent G 2011. Cost-benefit analysis of deer control within a TB eradication programme. Landcare Research Contract Report LC234 for the Animal Health Board (R-10731). DOI:...
LC234 Barron R-10731 DeerTbModelTidy3.xlsmXLSX
Macro-enabled Deer TB model. This is an appendix to Barron MC, Nugent G 2011. Cost-benefit analysis of deer control within a TB eradication programme. Landcare Research Contract Report LC234 for...
LC2914 Barron R-10791 Improved modelling of TB persistence in possum populationsPDF
Barron M, Nugent G, Latham C 2017. Improved modelling of TB persistence in possum populations. Landcare Research Contract Report LC2914 for Tbfree New Zealand (R-10791). 37p. DOI:...
LC762 Barron R-10721 Halving Cost of Ground Control Mod3.pdfPDF
Barron MC, Warburton B 2010. Identifying habitat patches with low risk for TB persistence. Landcare Research Contract Report LC762 for the Animal Health Board (R-10721, Module 3). DOI:...
LC0304-146 Byrom Ferret TB spread.pdfPDF
Byrom AE 2004. Spread of Tb by ferrets in the northern South Island high country. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0304/146 for the Animal Health Board (R-10618). DOI:...
LC0304-158 Byrom Game Estates Final.pdfPDF
Byrom AE, Nugent G, Ramsey DSL, Yockney IJ 2004. A New Tb Surveillance Paradigm and Model for Game Estates. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0304/158 for the Animal Health Board (R-10615). DOI:...
LC0708-110 Byrom R-80629 Molesworth.pdfPDF
Byrom A, Nugent G, McKenzie J, Porphyre T, Pouto N, Shepherd J, Whitford J, Yockney I 2008. - Cost effective control of Tb in the Northern South Island High Country: Identifying the habitats and...
LC0102-082 Byrom R-10508 Ferret Neophobia to Traps.pdfPDF
Byrom AE, Spurr EB, O'Connor CE 2002. Ferret neophobia to traps. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0102/082 for Animal Health Board (R-10508). DOI: https://doi.org/10.7931/673x-h145
LC0203-144 Byrom Trap catch ferrets.pdfPDF
Byrom AE, Spurr EB, Morriss GA, Morse CW, O'Connor CE 2003. Trap catch of ferrets using live and dead prey as lures. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0203/144 for Animal Health Board (R-10520)....
LC0203-049 Caley Host Status of Ferrets.pdfPDF
Caley P 2002. Assessing the host status of feral ferrets for Mycobacterium bovis in New Zealand. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0203/049 for the Animal Health Board (R-10481). DOI:...
LC9899-044 Caley North Canterbury Ferret Control Studies.pdfPDF
Caley P, Morley C, Thomas MD1998. Effects of ferret control on cattle reactor incidence, ferret TB prevalence, and rabbit numbers- The North Canterbury ferret control trials. Landcare Research...
LC0506-005_Coleman Featherston FINAL.pdfPDF
Coleman JD, Coleman MC, Nugent G, Yockney I 2005. Identifying the causes of, and solutions to, vector-related Tb persistence near Featherston. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0506/005 for the...
LC9900-055 Coleman R-10480 Optimal Buffer Widths.pdfPDF
Coleman J, Fraser KW, Nugent G 2000. Optimal buffer widths for control of possums in the Hauhungaroa Range: 1994/95-19998/99. Population recovery of possums and wild deer and Tb prevalence in...
LC0506-072 Coleman R-10610 Prefeeding for Possum Control.pdfPDF
Coleman JD, Fraser KW, Spurr EB 2006. Costs and benefits of prefeeding for possum control. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0506/072 for the Animal Health Board (R-10610). DOI:...
LC1532 Cowan R-10719-01 Bird Repellent Stage 1.pdfPDF
Cowan P, Brown S, Forrester G 2013. Progressing development of a bird repellent for kea (Stage 1). Landcare Research Contract Report LC1532 for the Animal Health Board (R-10719-01). DOI:...
LC9899-060 Henderson R-10457 Bait shyness.pdfPDF
Henderson RJ, Frampton CM 1999. Avoiding bait shyness in possums by improved bait standards. Landcare Research Contract Report LC9899/60 for the Animal Health Board (R-10457). DOI:...
LC2683 Latham R-10769 Evaluating assessments of TB freedom in possums: How close are we?PDF
Latham MC, Nugent G 2016. Evaluating assessments of TB freedom in possums: How close are we? Landcare Research Contract Report LC2683 for TBfree New Zealand (R-10769). 13p. DOI:...
LC0809-032 Morriss R-10697 BlueMountainsEDR.pdfPDF
Morriss G, Nugent G 2008. Monitoring the impact of aerially sown 1080 EDR cereal bait on fallow deer in the Blue Mountains, Otago. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0809/032 for the Animal Health...
LC0910-010 Morriss R-10708 EPRO deer repellent.pdfPDF
Morriss G, Nugent G 2009. Effectiveness of Epro deer repellent in preventing livestock from eating carrot and cereal baits. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0910/010 for the Animal Health Board...
LC3383 Morriss R-10812 Timaru Creek.pdfPDF
Morriss G, Nugent G 2018. Impact of aerial 1080 baiting with and without Epro deer repellent on a red deer and tahr population in Otago. Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research Contract Report LC3383...
LC0506-044 Morriss Cereal bait FINAL.pdfPDF
Morriss GA, Nugent G, Lorigan R, Speedy C 2006. Development and testing of a deer-repellent cereal bait for possum control. Part III: Cereal bait field trial. Landcare Research Contract Report...
LC0304-021 Morriss R-80568 Deer repellent cereal bait.pdfPDF
Morriss GA, Nugent G, O'Connor CE, Stafford KJ 2003. Development and testing of a deer-repellent cereal bait for possum control. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0304/021 for the Animal Health...
LC1818 Morriss R-10710 Low Cost Aerial IV.pdfPDF
Morriss G, Whitford J, Nugent G 2014. Low-cost aerial poisoning. IV: Modified broadcast sowing, Hauhungaroa 2013. Landcare Research Contract Report LC1818 for TBfree New Zealand (R-10710 &...
LC3159 Morriss R-10810 Molesworth 2018 deer survey.pdfPDF
Morriss G, Yockney I, Nugent G 2018. Comparison of deer abundance in 1080-poisoned and unpoisoned areas on Molesworth Station. Manaaki Whenua –Landcare Research Contract report LC3159 for OSPRI...
LC3622 Morriss R-10827 Pestex field testing.pdfPDF
Morriss G, Yockney I, Nugent G 2019. Operational-scale field testing of Pestex® deer repellent 1080 cereal bait. Manaaki Whenua –Landcare Research Contract Report LC3622 for OSPRI (R-10827). DOI:...
LC0304-092 Norbury R-10591 Alternative ferret practices.pdfPDF
Norbury GL, Heyward R, McElrea GJ, McElrea LM, Peach R, Byrom AE 2004. Cost-effectiveness of alternative ferret control practices. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0304/092 for the Animal Health...
LC0001-140 Norbury R-10530 Best practice ferret trapping.pdfPDF
Norbury GL, Spencer N, Webster R, Bailey J, Walker R, Wilson R, Hunter M, Reed C 2002. Best-practice trapping of ferret populations. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0001/140 for the Animal...
LC0910-075 Nugent R-10710 Low cost Aerial Poisoning 1.pdfPDF
Nugent G, Morriss GA 2010. Low-cost aerial poisoning: comparing the efficacy of clustered and broadcast baiting in two 2009 field trials. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0910/075 for the Animal...
LC136 Nugent R-10710 Low Cost Aerial Poisoning II.pdfPDF
Nugent G, Morriss GA 2011. Low-cost aerial poisoning II: Refinement and testing of cluster sowing 2009-10. Landcare Research Contract Report LC136 for the Animal Health Board (R-10710). DOI:...
LC0708-053 Nugent R-10678 Residual Tb in deer.pdfPDF
Nugent G, Whitford J 2007. Is residual Tb infection in deer and pig populations important? Landcare Research Contract Report LC0708/053 for the Animal Health Board (R-10678). DOI:...
LC0708-188 Nugent R-10688 Tb Pigs Spatial Scale and Spillback.pdfPDF
Nugent G, Whitford EJ 2008. Confirmation of the spatial scale and duration of spillback risk from Tb-infected pigs. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0708/188 for the Animal Health Board...
LC0708-032 Nugent R-10652 Relative utility of sentinels.pdfPDF
Nugent G, Whitford J 2008. Relative utility of Tb hosts as sentinels for detecting Tb. Landcare Research contract report LC0708/032 for the Animal Health Board (R-10652). DOI:...
LC0304-049 Nugent R-10576 Risk of TB persistence.pdfPDF
Nugent G, Byrom A, Arthur T, Whitford J, Yockney I 2003. Risk of Tb persistence and spread: The role of deer, pigs, and ferrets. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0304/049 for the Animal Health...
LC9697-124 Nugent Optimal Buffer width.pdfPDF
Nugent G, Coleman J, Fraser W 1997. Optimal buffer widths for control of possums in the Hauhungaroa Range: 1996 - Population recovery and Tb prevalence in possums, deer, and pigs two years after...
LC0203-060 Nugent Genotyping to correct RTCI bias.pdfPDF
Nugent G, Gleeson D, Howitt R, Thomson C 2003. Improved monitoring by using genotyping to correct biases in the RTC index of possum numbers. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0203/060 for the...
LC0304-074 Nugent R-80568-01 Deer-repellent bait.pdfPDF
Nugent G, Morriss GA, Ball S, O'Connor CE, Lorigan R, Speedy C 2004. Field testing of a deer-repellent carrot bait for possum control - Tataraakina replicate. Landcare Research Contract Report...
LC1011 Nugent R-10710 and R-10743.pdfPDF
Nugent G, Morriss G, Fitzgerald N, Innes J 2012. Bait aggregation and deer repellent effects on efficacy, and non-target impacts on deer and birds, during aerial 1080 baiting: Hauhungaroa 2011....
LC0506-167 Nugent R-10627 Early detection.pdfPDF
Nugent G, Ramsey D Caley P 2006. Enhanced early detection of Tb through use and integration of wildlife data into the national surveillance model. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0506/167 for...
LC0203-098 Nugent R-10577 Pigs as TB hosts.pdfPDF
Nugent G, Reddiex B, Whitford J, Yockney I 2003. Pig as hosts of bovine tuberculosis in New Zealand – a review. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0203/098for the Animal Health Board (R-10577)....
LC1806 Nugent R- 10731 TB eradication PoC.pdfPDF
Nugent G, Sweetapple P, Yockney I, Barron M, Latham MC 2014. Progress toward eradication of TB from wildlife in the Hauhungaroa Ranges. Landcare Research Contract Report LC1806 for TBfree New...
LC2842 Nugent R-10772-02 TB freedom in possums in the Hauhungaroa RangePDF
Nugent G, Sweetapple P, Yockney I, Morriss G. 2017. TB freedom in the Hauhungaroa Range: A large-scale test of a new surveillance approach. Landcare Research Contract Report LC2842 for OSPRI...
LC3835 Nugent R-10820 Kea Repellent Trial final reportPDF
Nugent G, Whitford J, Brown S, Howard S, Morriss G 2020. What concentrations of potential kea repellents in 1080 bait least affect possum and rat control efficacy? Manaaki Whenua -- Landcare...
LC2076 Nugent R-10775 Hokonui StC report.pdfPDF
Nugent G, Whitford J, Latham MC, Morriss GA 2015. Rapid declaration of TB freedom in possums in the Hokonui Hills. Landcare Research Contract Report LC2076 for TBfree New Zealand (R-10775). DOI:...
LC0809-163 Nugent R-10629_02 Molesworth aerial poisoning Part 1.pdfPDF
Nugent G, Yockney I, Morgan D 2009. Increased cost-effectiveness of aerial 1080 poisoning of possums for reducing Tb incidence on Molesworth Station. Part 1: Effect of reduced coverage and sowing...
LC764 Nugent R-10629-02 Molesworth Final Report.pdfPDF
Nugent G, Yockney I, Whitford J 2011. Eliminating TB from Molesworth Station: II. Persistence of TB on Molesworth Station two years after aerial 1080 baiting. Landcare Research Contract Report...
LC0304-068 Ramsey R-10590 RTCI limits.pdfPDF
Ramsey DSL, Ball S 2004. Statistical limits of RTCI monitoring. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0304/068 for the Animal Health Board (R-10590). DOI: https://doi.org/10.7931/x3ct-hr91
LC0405-118 Ramsey R-10619 Eliminating TB.pdfPDF
Ramsey DSL, Efford M 2005. Eliminating Tb – results from a spatially explicit, stochastic model. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0405/118 for the Animal Health Board (R-10619). DOI:...
LC0809-031 Ramsey_R10677_Optimal frequency.pdfPDF
Ramsey DSL, Nugent G, Bosson M 2008. Identifying the optimal frequency of control required to eradicate Tb under various RTCI targets. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0809/031 for the Animal...
LC9697-135 Spurr R-10404 Poison bait strategy for ferrets.pdfPDF
Spurr EB, Ogilvie SC, Eason CT, Morse CW, Young J 1997. A poison-baiting strategy for effective ferret control. Landcare Research Contract Report LC9697/135 for the Animal Health Board (R-10404)....
LC0809-017 Sweetapple R-10681 Map and eliminate possums.pdfPDF
Sweetapple P, Nugent G 2008. Project No. Tools for mapping and eliminating surviving possums following possum control. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0809/017 for the Animal Health Board...
LC0910-167 Sweetapple R-10709 No possums no TB.pdfPDF
Sweetapple PJ, Anderson DP, Nugent G 2010. No possums, no TB. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0910/167 for the Animal Health Board (R-10709). DOI: https://doi.org/10.7931/xyn5-mk19
LC0102-033 Thomson Low density possums.pdfPDF
Thomson C, Warburton B, Higginson G, Higginson T 2002. Information control - detecting the presence of possums in low density populations. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0102/033 for the...
LC0607-142 Tompkins R-10630 Tb Vaccine for PossumsPDF
Tompkins D, Buddle BM, Ramsey DSL, Aldwell FE 2006. Efficacy of an oral TB vaccine on wild possum populations. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0607/142 for the Animal Health Board (R-10630)....
LC9596-060 Warburton Trap Catch for monitoring possums.pdfPDF
Warburton B 1996. Trap-catch for monitoring possum populations. Landcare Research Contract Report LC9596/060 for the Animal Health Board. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7931/0s2y-f246
LC1143 Warburton R-10726 Karamea report.pdfPDF
Warburton B, Anderson D, Nugent G, Whitford J, Neill M 2012. Identification of risk factors associated with new and persistent infection in cattle herds at Karamea. Landcare Research Contract...
LC0910-060 Warburton_NLRC104 How many possums.pdfPDF
Warburton B, Cowan P, Shepherd J 2009. How many possums are now in New Zealand following control and how many would there be without it? Landcare Research Contract Report LC0910/060 prepared for...
FWE 9293 Warburton Low emission Cyanide.pdfPDF
Warburton B, Eason CT 1992. Evaluation of low emission cyanide formulations for controlling possums. Forest Research Institute Contract Report FWE92/93 for the Animal Health Board (38/90). DOI:...
LC0304-059 Yockney R-10577 part2 NSI TB pig.pdfPDF
Yockney I, Nugent G 2003. Scavenging of potentially tuberculous feral pig carcasses in the northern South Island high country. Landcare Research Contract Report: LC0304/059 for the Animal Health...
LC0506-076 Yockney Judas pigs on Molesworth.pdfPDF
Yockney I, Nugent G 2006. Relative effectiveness of the Judas technique in rapidly reducing pig numbers in part of Molesworth Station: An operational trial. Landcare Research Contract Report:...
LC0809-061 Yockney R-10686 Reducing risk of spillback infection from hunters.pdfPDF
Yockney I, Morriss G, Nugent G 2008. Reducing the risk of spillback infection from hunter kills. Landcare Research Contract Report: LC0809/061 for the Animal Health Board (R-10686). DOI:...
Lorigan 2002 Deer repellent field trials with carrot bait.pdfPDF
Lorigan R, Yockney I, Nugent G 2002. Field trial: Deer repellent bait for possum control, Hampden, North Otago. Unpublished report to the Animal Health Board. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7931/x7m7-0s17
LC0506-167 Nugent Enhanced early detection of Tb through use and integration of wildlife data into the national surveillance modelPDF
Nugent G, Ramsey D, Caley P 2006. Enhanced early detection of Tb through use and integration of wildlife data into the national surveillance model. Landcare Research Contract Report : LC0506/167...
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Theme | |
Author | |
Maintainer | Kathryn O'Halloran |
Source | |
Source Created | Unknown |
Source Modified | Unknown |
Language | English |
Spatial | |
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