Regional Council 2025 Clipped

Refer to the current geographies boundaries table for a list of all current geographies and recent updates.

This dataset is the definitive version of the annually released regional council boundaries as at 1 January 2025, as defined by the regional councils and/or Local Government Commission and maintained by Stats NZ, clipped to the coastline. This clipped version has been created for cartographic purposes and so does not fully represent the official full extent boundaries. This version contains 16 regional councils and area outside region (Chatham Islands Territory).

The regional council is the top tier of local government in New Zealand. Regional councils are defined under schedule 2, part 1 of the Local Government Act 2002. They were established in November 1989 after the abolition of the 22 local government regions. Regional council boundaries must coincide with meshblock boundaries under schedule 3, clause 17 of the Local Government Act 2002.

Regional council boundaries are based largely on water catchments, such as rivers, lakes, and harbours. The seaward boundary of the regions is the 12 mile (19.3km) New Zealand territorial limit. In determining regions, consideration was also given to regional communities of interest, natural resource management, land use planning, and environmental matters.

There are 16 regions which cover every territorial authority in New Zealand, with the exception of the Chatham Islands Territory (included in 99 Area Outside Region). Five regions are administered as unitary authorities, which function as both regional council and territorial authority. These unitary authorities are Auckland Council, Nelson City Council, and Gisborne, Tasman, and Marlborough District Councils. The Chatham Islands Council also performs some of the functions of a regional council but is not strictly a unitary authority. Unitary authorities act as regional councils for legislative purposes. Regional councils are responsible for administrating many environmental and transport matters, such as land transport planning and harbour navigation and safety.

Some regional council boundaries are coterminous with territorial authority boundaries, but there are several exceptions. An example is Taupo District, which is geographically split between four regions, although most of its area falls within the Waikato Region. Where territorial authorities straddle regional council boundaries, the affected area is statistically defined by complete regional councils. In general, however, regional councils contain complete territorial authorities.

Auckland Council unitary authority was formed in 2010, under the Local Government (Tamaki Makarau Reorganisation) Act 2009, replacing the Auckland Regional Council and seven territorial authorities.

Regional councils are defined at meshblock level. Statistical area 1 and statistical area 2 geographies nest within regional council boundaries.


The standard classification of regional council is a flat classification and contains 17 categories (including ‘99 Area Outside Region’).

Clipped Version

This clipped version has been created for cartographic purposes and so does not fully represent the official full extent boundaries.

High-definition version

This high definition (HD) version is the most detailed geometry, suitable for use in GIS for geometric analysis operations and for the computation of areas, centroids and other metrics. The HD version is aligned to the LINZ cadastre.


Names are provided with and without tohutō/macrons. The column name for those without macrons is suffixed ‘ascii’.

Digital data

Digital boundary data became freely available on 1 July 2007.

Further information

To download geographic classifications in table formats such as CSV please use Ariā

For more information please refer to the Statistical standard for geographic areas 2023.


Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Stats NZ
Maintainer Stats NZ
Maintainer Email Stats NZ
Source Created 2024-11-28T23:11:23.346964Z
Source Modified 2024-12-02T00:44:17.597328Z
Language English
Spatial {"type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[[[180.0, -34.129634547015215], [180.0, -47.28999358208071], [166.39999990000004, -47.28999358208071], [166.39999990000004, -34.129634547015215], [180.0, -34.129634547015215]]], [[[-176.0999999, -47.28999358208071], [-180.0, -47.28999358208071], [-180.0, -34.129634547015215], [-176.0999999, -34.129634547015215], [-176.0999999, -47.28999358208071]]]]}
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 3 January 2025, last updated 3 March 2025