QMAP 6 Raukumara. Tolaga Bay. Compilation sheet

This is a working unpublished document based on the NZMS260 Map Series, and is a precursor to the publication of QMAP geological map 6 Raukumara. Map, pencil on transparency, medium detail, in excellent condition. - Observation measure: interpretation only. - Map size: B2. Keywords: TOLAGA BAY; QMAP; STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY


(C) Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Limited.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Author GNS Science
Maintainer Data Manager
Maintainer Email Data Manager
Maintainer Phone +64 4 570 1444
Update frequency Irregular
Source Created 2000
Source Modified 2018-03-30
Language English
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[178.178613712, -38.6058187869], [178.510456578, -38.6058187869], [178.510456578, -38.2626640134], [178.178613712, -38.2626640134], [178.178613712, -38.6058187869]]]}
Source Identifier 8082af23-9255-4bcd-ace9-b8543229f06b
Dataset metadata created 8 July 2020, last updated 8 July 2020