Public Records Act 2005 audit of public offices’ recordkeeping practices - maturity ratings for 2020/21

Why the data was collected

Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga Archives New Zealand (Te Rua Mahara) administers the Public Records Act 2005 (PRA). Audits of public offices’ recordkeeping practices are mandated under section 33 of the PRA. Local authorities are not mandated for audit.

This dataset includes ratings for all public offices audited in 2020/21. The audit is based on the Information Management (IM) Maturity Assessment. This tool was developed in 2020 by Te Rua Mahara from the requirements of the PRA and mandatory Information and records management standard. The IM Maturity Assessment has eight categories and 22 topics (two topics are relevant only to local authorities and so are not included in the audit.

Visit the Archives New Zealand website to read more about Information Management Maturity Assessment:

Audits are commissioned by Te Rua Mahara and conducted by independent auditors using the IM Maturity Assessment. The auditors rate the recordkeeping performance of each audited organisation against the topics in the IM Maturity Assessment. The ratings are Beginning, Progressing, Managing, Maturing and Optimising. Not applicable (N/A) can also be given for some topics where relevant.

How the data was collected

The auditors conduct an onsite audit comprised of interviews, inspections and supporting documentation. The maturity rating for each topic is based on all this evidence and the ratings are as presented in the auditor’s report.

How the data was cleaned-up

No data cleansing was necessary.

Data will be released annually

We plan to release the audit maturity rating data on annually after all the audit reports are completed for that year. The individual audit reports and associated Chief Archivist audit letters are released on our website.

Visit the Archives New Zealand website for audit reports:

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme Public sector information management
Author Archives New Zealand
Source Created Unknown
Source Modified Unknown
Language English
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 20 November 2023, last updated 24 November 2023