These surveys are part of Waka Kotahi's commitment to delivering Road to Zero 2020-30, New Zealand's road safety strategy.Each survey details the results of responses provided by New Zealanders to a broad range of questions focused on specific road safety topics, including attitudes to enforcement, speed, vehicle safety, impaired driving, distraction, driver fatigue and personal safety.This 17MB download contains the survey results and resources divided by year for the years 2020, 2021 & 2022.In 2020, we surveyed over 3,000 respondents in two separate questionnaire streams.In 2021, we surveyed over 1,600 respondents using CATI (computer assisted telephone interviewing).In 2022, we surveyed 3,330 people in two separate questionnaire streams. The research fieldwork was carried out between 14 July – 16 September 2022.File contents for each year:Questionnaire (docx): survey questionsTechnical report (docx): technical report with the methodology and other background information of the studyData (sav): weighted SPSS data file that can be used to conduct bespoke analysis. You will require a statistical software programme such as SPSS, Q or similar.Data dictionary (xlsx): data dictionary to assist the use of the SPSS fileData tables (xlsx): Excel cross-tabulations which are more commonly used by most research users. Report (pdf): report prepared by Waka Kotahi and Kantar Public based on the survey results.Data reuse caveatsAs per license. Additionally, we have used weightings in the data. The weightings are built into the SPSS raw data, and the tabulated excel document.Data quality statementSee the technical report file included in the zip download.Data quality caveatsThere are differences in data collection methodology over the years. Before 2020, the Ministry of Transport conducted surveys face-to-face. In 2020, the survey changed to using CATI (computer assisted telephone interviewing) due to COVID-19.