This Protected Area Layer contains land and marine areas, most of which are administered by the Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai (DOC) and are protected by the Conservation, Reserves, National Parks, Marine Mammal and Marine Reserves Acts. All of the areas have been identified spatially. The attributes in this dataset are derived from the National Property and Land Information System (NaPALIS), which is a centralised database for all DOC and LINZ administered land.
The boundaries for most protected areas are derived from the Landonline Primary Parcel(s). In some cases, the boundaries may have been based on unsurveyed parcels defined to varying degrees of accuracy. As such please note that the boundaries are indicative only.
The dataset includes reserves but it is not a complete set. Privately owned reserves are excluded from the dataset as they are not crown land. Also, the dataset does not contain a complete list of reserves “vested” in Local Authorities or “controlled and managed” by other organisations. The dataset is continually being updated however as errors or omissions are discovered and new land transactions are completed.
The Department cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information but rather it represents best endeavours to maintain an accurate record of conservation land.
A table of Protected Area associations to Primary Parcels is published in the LDS here.