Download Model Uncertainty for Predicted Geographical Distribution of Amphioplus (Subtidal Invertebrates) DataView on MapView OGC WMS Web ServiceView ArcGIS Web Service Predicted geographic distribution of Amphioplus (subtidal invertebrate) using ensemble Species Distribution Modelling (Bootstrapped Boosted Regression Tree and Random Forest models) described in Lundquist et al., 2020. Spatial predictions generated for all geographic areas within the EEZ to depths of 2500m (areas considered to have adequate sample coverage). Associated spatially explicit uncertainty predictions are available for this taxa (see Model Uncertainty for Predicted Geographical Distribution of Amphioplus (SubtidalInvertebrates)). Number of taxa records: 126 Statistical model performance: Good (TSS = 0.81) Expert evaluation of predicted geographical distribution: 2, Accurate Spatial resolution: 1km