Opportunity Sites

Each of the boundaries for these areas has been identified in the Spatial Plan as being an opportunity Site. Areas are at differing stages of planning, engagement, and development. For the purposes of the Spatial Plan, these areas are split into ‘In progress’ and ‘Future focus’.Lincolnshire Farm: Anticipated future urban area comprising residential and business areas.Strathmore Park: Opportunities for urban regeneration within Strathmore Park to deliver high quality housing, better transport connections and a more vibrant suburban centre.Upper Stebbings & Glenside West: Anticipated future residential area, comprising over 600 dwellings (within development area).Johnsonville Centre: Johnsonville Centre is a focus area for enabling growth in housing and employment the city needs and improving the vibrancy of the centre.Te Ngākau Civic Precinct: Opportunity to enhance the vibrancy of the precinct as our civic hub and better connect it to the city and waterfront.Te Motu Kairangi/Miramar Peninsular: Land at northern end of peninsula undergoing a crown disposal process. Opportunity to work with key stakeholders to consider long term aspirations for this site.Inner Harbour Port & Rail Precinct: Opportunity to transition wharves into active, vibrant waterfront space. Focus on creating a more vibrant, accessible and user-friendly public transport hub around the Railway Station.Hyde Farm: Opportunity to extend existing Grenada North business area to enable industrial capacity for the city.Multi-User Ferry Precinct: Concept for an efficient, integrated, multi-modal transport solution to meet forecast growth in ferry services.For more information contact the Planning for Growth team: planningforgrowth@wcc.govt.nz

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme ["geospatial"]
Author Wellington City Council
Maintainer WellingtonCityCouncil
Maintainer Email WellingtonCityCouncil
Source https://data-wcc.opendata.arcgis.com/maps/WCC::opportunity-sites
Source Created 2021-09-30T02:49:03.000Z
Source Modified 2021-09-30T02:49:52.000Z
Language English
Spatial { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [174.7776, -41.3391], [174.8478, -41.3391], [174.8478, -41.1744], [174.7776, -41.1744], [174.7776, -41.3391] ] ] }
Source Identifier https://data-wcc.opendata.arcgis.com/maps/WCC::opportunity-sites
Dataset metadata created 17 April 2022, last updated 10 August 2022