NZL GNS GM9 resources

This dataset represents the resources present at or near the surface and comprises points with attributes describing the type of resource. The dataset is part of the Geology of the Hyde-Macraes Shear Zone and Waihemo Fault Zone area, northeastern Otago collection produced by GNS Science. The mapping frame within which the features have been observed is defined as surface geology (i.e. the bedrock and superficial deposits that are exposed at the topographic surface or would be visible if the overlying soil was removed). The data structure complies with the GeoSciML 4.1 standard, where relevant, and uses the appropriate CGI Controlled Vocabularies. This dataset forms part of Martin AP, Smith Lyttle B, Allibone AH, Blakemore H, Cox SC, Craw D, Doyle S, Kellett RL, MacKenzie DJ, Mortimer N, Ritchie T, Sahoo TR, Stephens S, 2021. Geology of the Hyde-Macraes Shear Zone and Waihemo Fault Zone area, northeastern Otago. GNS Science Geological Map 9. Lower Hutt, New Zealand. GNS Science. For more information on data, distribution options and formats visit

Data and Resources

This dataset has no data

Additional Info

Field Value
Author GNS Science
Maintainer Email
Maintainer Phone +6445701444
Source Created 2023-06-28
Source Modified 2024-06-20T02:34:19.669068Z
Language English
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[82.92625300224255, -75.8151049963897], [82.92625296610994, -75.81511166867054], [82.92627416409664, -75.81511167556855], [82.9262742002189, -75.81510500328773], [82.92625300224255, -75.8151049963897]]]}
Source Identifier 50636664-6165-495C-9496-26DDC32F4B29
Dataset metadata created 3 August 2024, last updated 3 August 2024