NZL GNS 1:1M geological boundaries (2nd edition)

This dataset contains the bounding arcs to the 1:1 000 000 geological units data for New Zealand. The dataset is a product of the Geological Map of New Zealand 1: 1 000 000 project and was produced by GNS Science. It represents the most current mapping of the geology of New Zealand in a single dataset at a scale of 1:1 000 000. The dataset is stored in an ESRI vector geodatabase and exported to ArcGIS Server. The dataset comprises arcs with each arc having attributes describing the type of contact, its name, exposure and accuracy. It complies with the GeoSciML Portrayal standard for ContactView. The outcrop surface (map horizon) on which the features are mapped is the Earth surface. The fields required by the GeoSciML Portrayal standard were populated using the CGI Controlled Vocabulary (2012-11). The data should not be used at scales beyond that for which it was prepared. The spatial accuracy is estimated to be no better than +/- 1000 m.

The dataset is available for purchase as feature classes in ESRI file geodatabase and shapefile GIS formats and freely consumable as a layer in Web Map Services and Web Feature Services from ArcGIS Server.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author GNS Science
Maintainer Data Manager
Maintainer Email Data Manager
Maintainer Phone +64 4 570 1444
Update frequency Irregular
Source Created 2014-06-30
Source Modified 2015-06-30
Language English
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[45.4509448758736, -76.57535578975221], [45.450992233702806, -76.5754559391688], [45.45166617320911, -76.57543874860468], [45.451618812090345, -76.57533859923198], [45.4509448758736, -76.57535578975221]]]}
Source Identifier 09cfd89c-6897-40a4-bed1-7f3d6c7ff0f9
Dataset metadata created 8 July 2020, last updated 3 July 2024