Percent change in counts for 14 garden bird counts for the last 10 years (2008-18) and 5 years (2013-18) at four spatial scales: national, regional (R), territorial authority (T) and urban-rural (U) area as defined by Statistics NZ 2018 spatial layers). Median and 80% confidence intervals (10% and 90% quantiles) are provided, along with the trend size and strength of evidence categories (see NZGBS 2019 trend analysis methods report for categorisation criteria).
Citation: MacLeod CJ, Howard S, Gormley AM, Spurr EB. 2019. State of NZ Garden Birds 2018 | Te Āhua o ngā Manu o te Kā i Aotearoa. Manaaki Wheuna - Landcare Research, Lincoln. ISBN 978-0-947525-63-7.