NZ Survey Plans

This layer provides metadata about cadastral surveys along with reference points indicating the location of the survey.

A cadastral survey determines and describes the spatial extent (including boundaries) of interest of land within New Zealand. Each survey is allocated a unique reference number (that prior to Landonline included reference to the land district.

This data provides details that identify the type of survey, the purpose, description and key dates relating to the survey.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Land Information New Zealand
Maintainer Land Information New Zealand
Maintainer Email Land Information New Zealand
Source Created 2011-05-24T08:30:59.737562Z
Source Modified 2020-09-26T11:55:00.809778Z
Language English
Spatial {"type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[[[165.93074401667, -52.5187358], [165.93074401667, -29.1900792167], [180.0, -29.1900792167], [180.0, -52.5187358], [165.93074401667, -52.5187358]]], [[[-180.0, -29.1900792167], [-175.8379915167, -29.1900792167], [-175.8379915167, -52.5187358], [-180.0, -52.5187358], [-180.0, -29.1900792167]]]]}
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 1 October 2020, last updated 1 October 2020