NZ Roads Subsections (Addressing)

Please read: This layer provides linear geometries against which official road names and street addresses can be recorded. Its purpose is also to enable automated meshblock address reports (for electoral and statistical purposes) so as to identify the presence of a road name in meshblocks where street addresses do not exist.

A linear geometry in this layer will consist of the individual road section geometries (as opposed to the NZ Roads (Addressing) layer where these have been aggregated). This layer has been simplified from LINZ’s NZ Roads database, a centralised database for the management of national road data. The comprehensive set of NZ Roads tables is also available.

These road centrelines do not represent actual road formation, nor do they represent legal access. They must not be considered as topographic, cadastral, or legal.

Some road sections have multiple names; in these cases the non-primary road names are held in additional columns against each road section.

This layer contains the core attributes of a road section to support simple searching with locality and territorial authority or provide a road name context for cadastral data views. This layer is a replacement for the NZ Road Centre Line Subsections (Electoral) layer.

The Electoral road and address datasets will be available until May 2017 to allow users further time to transition.

Please refer to the NZ Roads Data Dictionary for detailed metadata and information about this layer.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Land Information New Zealand
Maintainer Land Information New Zealand
Maintainer Email Land Information New Zealand
Source Created 2016-04-13T02:09:08.102251Z
Source Modified 2020-09-25T17:05:02.392182Z
Language English
Spatial {"type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[[[166.71615866667, -46.9117704333], [166.71615866667, -34.4291438], [180.0, -34.4291438], [180.0, -46.9117704333], [166.71615866667, -46.9117704333]]], [[[-180.0, -34.4291438], [-176.1888297, -34.4291438], [-176.1888297, -46.9117704333], [-180.0, -46.9117704333], [-180.0, -34.4291438]]]]}
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 1 October 2020, last updated 1 October 2020