Please read: This is the table for Road Section Geometry, which is part of the set of NZ Roads tables. The Road Section Geometry table stores the linear geometry for the associated road section, or part of the associated road section.
The NZ Roads dataset includes eight data tables and eleven lookup tables. The dataset has been sourced from LINZ’s NZ Roads database, a database for the management of national roads, including those managed for addressing purposes. This set of normalised tables replaces the Landonline: Road Centre Line layer and the Landonline: Road Name and Landonline: Road Name Association tables currently published on LDS.
These centrelines are required to indicate the presence of an authoritative road name. Named centrelines are not intended to represent the exact location of a road formation. Named centrelines do not indicate the presence of legal access.
For a simplified version of the data contained within these tables see NZ Roads (Addressing), which aggregates geometries based on road name, and NZ Roads Subsections (Addressing), which holds the individual geometries.
Please refer to the NZ Roads Data Dictionary for detailed metadata and information about this layer.