NZ River Name Lines (Pilot)

This dataset provides river name lines for mainland New Zealand. It is part of a pilot to understand the benefit of combining river names and location, and making these openly available through the LINZ Data Service.

Unnamed rivers are also included in this dataset.

How this data can be used

Together with the NZ River Name Polygons (Pilot) dataset, these are the first openly available datasets with NZ river names attributed to geometry features (lines and polygons). This data can be used for searching for a named river and zooming to its extents, extracting geometries of a named river, creating digital cartographic products displaying river names, and analysing other features against named rivers (e.g. identifying buildings or properties within a specified distance of a particular river).

Data vintage

The river names and extents in this dataset are based on the cartographic text shown on NZ Topo50 maps as of December 2018, and are an approximation and should not be taken as official. Further details are included in the 'Naming Extents Methodology' section in the 'Lineage' of this metadata. Please refer to the NZ River Name Lines and Polygons (Pilot) Data Dictionary for detailed metadata and information about this dataset.

Related data

NZ River Name Polygons (Pilot) - contains larger rivers captured as polygon features instead of lines.

We recommend using the two river name datasets with the following NZ Topo50 layers for connectivity and visualisation of inland hydrographic features.

The NZ River Name Lines and Polygons (Pilot) Data Dictionary provides details on how to download the matching time period snapshots of this data.

Please note

  • Official geographic names as listed in the New Zealand Gazetteer of place names must be used in all official documents as per the New Zealand Geographic Board (Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa) Act 2008.

  • This pilot dataset is unlikely to be updated, however feedback will be used for future enhancements to LINZ river datasets.

APIs and web services This dataset is available via ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS REST services, as well as our standard APIs. LDS APIs and OGC web services ArcGIS Online map services ArcGIS REST API

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Land Information New Zealand
Maintainer Land Information New Zealand
Maintainer Email Land Information New Zealand
Source Created 2019-08-06T02:33:42.258883Z
Source Modified 2020-04-01T06:57:43.522253Z
Language English
Spatial {"type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[[[166.434396632142, -47.28307750903597], [166.434396632142, -34.14599693540363], [178.54295270062084, -34.14599693540363], [178.54295270062084, -47.28307750903597], [166.434396632142, -47.28307750903597]]]]}
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 1 October 2020, last updated 1 October 2020