This table provides information on Records of Title that are live and part-cancelled.
This table contains top level, general title data only, such as the title number, type (e.g. Freehold, Unit Title, Cross Lease etc) and status.
A Record of Title is a record of a property's owners, legal description and the rights and responsibilities registered against the title.
If you need more detailed title data such as the legal description, please refer to the NZ Property Titles Estate List table.
This table does not contain ownership data. This is available in the NZ Property Title Owners List table. This is a restricted access dataset and requires you to agree to the LINZ Licence for Personal Data.
For title data that is directly linked to parcel shapes (property boundaries) refer to NZ Property Titles or NZ Property Titles Including Owners. Please note that these datasets are much larger to download, contain duplicated parcel shapes (one for each title that relates to the parcel) and does not contain all of the columns that this table has.
For more information about this table, other property datasets, and how to relate them to each other, refer to the Property Boundary and Ownership Data Dictionary.