This layer provides the current Hydro parcel polygons with associated descriptive data.
The combination of this layer with the other land parcels and road parcels equates to the primary parcels layer which provides all current parcels for New Zealand (i.e. excludes historic and pending parcels).
This set of three parcel layers (land, road and hydro) enables easy access to the most common groupings of parcel intents (excluding non primary parcels).
If you require approved or historic parcels see the All Parcels Layer
This layer has a nominal accuracy of 0.1-1m in urban areas and 1-100m in rural areas. For more detailed information about parcel accuracies please refer to the Survey Boundary Marks layer which contains accuracies for each parcel node.
The originating data for parcel/title associations includes some non-official sources where the official data does not support a link. For more information see