NZ Aerial Photo Footprints, Mainland NZ, (1936-2005) polygons

Note: This layer has been provided to enable potential users to identify the coverage of photography for Mainland NZ flown on behalf of the Crown between 1936 and 2005. The layer shows the extent of each photograph taken. The NZ Aerial Survey Footprints, Mainland NZ, (1936-2005) polygons layer shows the extent of each survey undertaken, and the Digitised Historic Aerial Surveys Available for Download (1936-2005) layer shows the extents of the surveys digitised and released by LINZ under open license. See for direction on how to access the digitised photos.

The photos are not downloadable from the LINZ Data Service.

The Crown Aerial Film Negative Collection is managed for LINZ by Opus International.You can are order images from the Collection from Opus International in a number of formats, including: - contact prints - enlargements - digital files - precision scans for photogrammetric production - orthophotos You will need to tell Opus International the survey, run and photo number (values in the ‘SURVEY’ 'RUN' and 'PHOTO_NO' attributes) covering your area of interest. Opus International will be able to provide information about the cost of providing images in the various formats. Contact them at: or 0800 680 690

There are also a large number of images which previously belonged to New Zealand Aerial Mapping and which are now are available for public use. The extents of these may be added to the LDS in future. You can order these images by contacting Opus International.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Land Information New Zealand
Maintainer Land Information New Zealand
Maintainer Email Land Information New Zealand
Source Created 2011-09-06T01:05:43.193195Z
Source Modified 2020-01-15T21:09:39.789332Z
Language English
Spatial {"type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[[[166.27038953002966, -47.35416582740042], [166.27038953002966, -34.10133255383036], [178.61420913973822, -34.10133255383036], [178.61420913973822, -47.35416582740042], [166.27038953002966, -47.35416582740042]]]]}
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 1 October 2020, last updated 1 October 2020