Number of days when wind speed exceeded gale force (Beaufort Scale 8) in 2015

The ocean storm index estimates the number of days in a year when wind speeds exceed gale and storm force on the Beaufort Scale. In a gale, sea conditions are rough and waves can be over six metres high. In a storm, waves can be over 10 metres high. To put this into context, on land a near gale would make walking difficult, and a storm would cause some damage to roofs, chimneys, and trees. Climate change could lead to changes in the frequency and intensity of storms. More frequent and intense storms will likely be a stressor for habitats and species. The ocean storm index estimates the number of days that wind speeds exceed gale and storm force on the Beaufort Scale. The Beaufort Scale is a widely used international classification that rates sea conditions from 0 (calm) to 12 (hurricane). We report on estimated wind speeds broken down to: - gales – measure 8 on the scale, have rough sea conditions with wind speeds of approximately 62–74 km per hour and wave heights of 5.5 metres - storms – measure 10 on the scale, have wind speeds of approximately 89–102 km per hour and wave heights of 9–11.5 metres (McDonald & Parsons, 2016). This dataset relates to the number of days when wind speed exceeded gale force (Beaufort Scale 8) in 2015.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Author Ministry for the Environment
Maintainer Ministry for the Environment
Maintainer Email Ministry for the Environment
Source Created 2016-10-14T01:54:37.037406Z
Source Modified 2016-10-26T00:06:28.285299Z
Language English
Spatial {"type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[[[150.0, -60.0], [150.0, -20.0], [180.0, -20.0], [180.0, -60.0], [150.0, -60.0]]], [[[-180.0, -20.0], [-160.0, -20.0], [-160.0, -60.0], [-180.0, -60.0], [-180.0, -20.0]]]]}
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 2 February 2020, last updated 3 March 2025