Capture zones for community supply wells in the Wellington region. Existing calibrated groundwater flow models were used to define the capture zones for relevant wells in the Kāpiti Coast, Hutt Valley and Ruamāhanga River Valley. A capture zone is defined as the total source area that contributes groundwater to a well. Particle tracking methods were used to trace the outline of the capture zones around each well using a combination of forwards tracking particles on the water table and backwards particle tracking around each well screen. A number of sensitivity simulations were run and the maximum capture zone area was obtained by aggregating the path lines from the model runs. More information can be found in the report:Toews, M.W., Donath, F. (2015), Capture Zone Delineation of Community Supply Wells and State of the Environment Monitoring Wells in the Greater Wellington Region. Report to Greater Wellington Regional Council by GNS Science, Report 2015/06, 69p.