NRP - Schedule J - Significant geological feaures in the coastal marine area

This dataset shows sites identified in the coastal marine area in the Wellington Region with significant geological values. The sites were identified by a review of existing information, expert opinion and field surveys.The inclusion of geological features of regional significance in the coastal marine area in the Natural Resources Plan gives effect to Policy 15 of the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement 2010 and Policy 15 of the Regional Policy Statement for the Wellington Region.The information can be found in the these reports:Dawe, I (2014), Regional Plan Review: Schedule J - Significant geological features in the coastal marine area. Unpublished Wellington Regional Council Report, WGN_DOCS-#1371613.Boffa Miskell Ltd (2007), Regional Policy Statement Review: Coastal Environment Sites of Regional Significance. Unpublished Report to Wellington Regional Council.Kenny, J.A. & Hayward, B.W. (eds) (1996), Inventory and Maps of Important Geological Sites and Landforms in the Manawatu and Wellington Regions (1st edition). Geological Society of New Zealand, Miscellaneous Publication 89.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme ["geospatial"]
Author Greater Wellington Regional Council
Maintainer GWRC_Admin
Maintainer Email GWRC_Admin
Source Created 2019-07-30T23:49:33.000Z
Source Modified 2019-09-16T01:27:23.000Z
Language English
Spatial { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [174.7303, -41.6255], [176.2917, -41.6255], [176.2917, -40.7262], [174.7303, -40.7262], [174.7303, -41.6255] ] ] }
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 2 February 2022, last updated 2 February 2022