NRP - Schedule E5 - Historic Heritage Freshwater Site

The sites and information contained in this feature layer are based on a survey of historic heritage in freshwater locations (beds of lakes and rivers) of the Wellington region, commissioned in two reports by Greater Wellington Regional Council. These sites pertain to Policy P46: Managing adverse effects on sites with significant historic heritage value and; Policy P47: Appropriate Demolition. Other provisions may apply, please consult the Plan for further details.The surveys were undertaken as part of the review of the regional plans and as a requirement of the Regional Policy Statement for the Wellington Region 2013- Policy 21: Identifying places and areas with significant historic heritage values.Schedule E5 - Historic Heritage Freshwater Sites: This schedule contains freshwater sites with significant historic heritage values. Consultants Chris Cochran and Russell Murray, conservation architects; Michael Kelly, heritage consultant; and Andy Dodd, archaeologist were engaged to evaluate these sites. Detailed reports for each sites can be found in Freshwater Historic Heritage of the Wellington Region, Historic Bridges of the Wellington Region and Freshwater Archaeological Sites of the Wellington Region.Cochran, C., Murray, R. & Kelley, M. (2012), Freshwater Historic Heritage of the Wellington Region: Survey for the Freshwater Plan Review. A report prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council, 140p. Also see addendum Dodd (2015a).Cochran, C. (2010), Historic Bridges of the Wellington Region: Survey for the Freshwater Plan Review. A report prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council, 110p. Also see addendum Dodd (2015b).Dodd, A. (2015), Freshwater Archaeological Sites of the Wellington Region: Survey for the Regional Plan Review. A report prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council by Andy Dodd Subsurface Ltd, 83p.Dodd, A. (2015a) Addendum to: Cochran, C., Murray, R. & Kelley, M. (2012), Archaeological values of freshwater historic heritage of the Wellington Region. A report prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council.Dodd, A. (2015b) Addendum to: Cochran, C. (2010), Archaeological values of historic bridges of the Wellington Region. A report prepared for Greater Wellington Regional Council.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme ["geospatial"]
Author Greater Wellington Regional Council
Maintainer GWRC_Admin
Maintainer Email GWRC_Admin
Source Created 2019-07-30T21:31:45.000Z
Source Modified 2019-09-16T01:27:42.000Z
Language English
Spatial { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [174.748, -41.4131], [175.8377, -41.4131], [175.8377, -40.7112], [174.748, -40.7112], [174.748, -41.4131] ] ] }
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 2 February 2022, last updated 2 February 2022