NRP - Schedule B - Ngā Taonga Nui a Kiwa

Waterbodies and catchments including rivers, lakes, harbours and open sea areas with significance to and identified as taonga by mana whenua iwi in the Wellington Region. This schedule relates to catchment management and shared decision making principles enbodied in the Plan. In particular the schedule recognises that kaitiakitanga shall be recognised and provided for by managing natural and physical resources in accordance with tikanga and kaupapa Māori as exercised by mana whenua, and that land and water resources will be managed recognising ki uta ki tai by using the principles of integrated catchment management.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme ["geospatial"]
Author Greater Wellington Regional Council
Maintainer GWRC_Admin
Maintainer Email GWRC_Admin
Source Created 2019-07-30T03:56:24.000Z
Source Modified 2019-09-16T01:27:42.000Z
Language English
Spatial { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [174.3262, -41.8539], [176.0343, -41.8539], [176.0343, -40.6844], [174.3262, -40.6844], [174.3262, -41.8539] ] ] }
Source Identifierā-taonga-nui-a-kiwa
Dataset metadata created 2 February 2022, last updated 2 February 2022