The sites in this dataset are mapped from existing schedules that appear in the Plan according to the Category 1 surface water body definition in Chapter 2 - Interpretation:Category 1 surface water body includes, and is limited to: (a) sites with significant mana whenua values identified in Schedule C (mana whenua), and(b) inanga spawning habitat identified in Schedule F1b (inanga spawning habitats), and(c) habitats for indigenous birds in rivers identified in Schedule F2a (birds-rivers)(d) estuaries identified in Schedule F4 (coastal sites), and(e) significant natural wetlands greater than 0.1ha identified in Schedule F3 (significant wetlands), and(f) outstanding water bodies identified in Schedule A (outstanding water bodies), and(g) within 1,000m upstream of a surface water abstraction site for a community drinking water supply shown on Map 26.