Notable Trees Indicative Root Protection Area (SCHED6) - Proposed District Plan (PDP)

Within Wellington City, individual and groups of trees are identified and protected for their significant historic heritage, ecological or amenity values. These trees may be notable as prominent natural features and landmarks, contributors to local identity, spectacular or rare specimens, or associated with special sites, events or people. It is important that these trees are identified, protected and cared for so that they can be enjoyed by future generations. Notable trees can be either indigenous or exotic species and located on either public land (such as road reserves or parks) or on private property. For a tree to be notable it must be evaluated against the ‘Standard Tree Evaluation Method’ (STEM) and score 110 points or higher or have significant cultural and historical value, taking into account potential STEM scores.   Notable trees are different to Urban Allotment Trees which are trees that are part of Significant Natural Areas (SNAs) in urban neighbourhoods. 

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme ["geospatial"]
Author Wellington City Council
Maintainer WellingtonCityCouncil
Maintainer Email WellingtonCityCouncil
Source Created 2022-08-15T22:37:26.000Z
Source Modified 2022-08-18T03:15:49.000Z
Language English
Spatial {"coordinates": [[174.7288, -41.3467], [174.8283, -41.1689]], "type": "envelope"}
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 11 September 2022, last updated 3 December 2024