This layer contains the DSM for LiDAR data for the Northland Region including Marsden Point captured in 2016.
LiDAR was captured for Land Information New Zealand by Aerial Surveys on 9 November and 21 November 2016. These datasets were generated by Aerial Surveys New Zealand and their subcontractors. Data management and distribution is by Land Information New Zealand.
Data comprises:
DEM: tif or asc tiles in NZTM2000 projection, tiled into a 1:1,000 tile layout
DSM: tif or asc tiles in NZTM2000 projection, tiled into a 1:1,000 tile layout
Point cloud: las tiles in NZTM2000 projection, tiled into a 1:1,000 tile layout
Pulse density specification is at a minimum of 2 pulses/square metre.
Vertical datum is NZVD2016