Northland Biodiversity Ranking - Ecosystem Rarity

Datasets resulting from the Northland Potential Ecosystem report by Nick Singers (Singers & Rogers publication) and Ecosystem Prioritisation and Rarity by John Leathwick. Summaries of each dataset belowPotential Ecosystems:The ecosystem classification used to map potential ecosystems of Northland was developed by the Department of Conservation, as a tool for prioritising ecosystem management (Singers & Rogers 2014). This classification is a synthesis that amalgamates previous classifications and ecological studies aligned to an abiotic framework. It describes a full range of ecosystem types at a variety of scales in an approximation of the natural or potential state as they would have been observed if people arrived today in New Zealand. The classification system has two tables that describe ecosystem drivers of the abiotic environment (Singers and Rogers 2014) and biotic compositional description, which further includes ecosystem distribution and relevant source references (Singers and Rogers 2014). The data contained within these two tables have been used as the fundamental basis for mapping ecosystem types, supported by other readily available ecological descriptions, vegetation maps and relevant GIS layers such as soil maps of the Northland Region.Ecosystem Rarity:This layer consists of the intersection between the primary (see note below) ecosystem cover (as identified in the report ‘Indigenous Biodiversity Ranking for the Northland Region by J. R. Leathwick 2018) and the Northland Potential Ecosystem mapping (as identified in the report ‘A potential ecosystem map for the Northland Region: Explanatory information to accompany the map. Prepared for Northland Regional Council. © Nicholas Singers Ecological Solutions Ltd. NSES Ltd Report 12:2018/2019, June 2018.’Northland Biodiversity Ranking - Lake Ranks:Rankings of Lakes derived from a ranking analysis of indigenous-dominated terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems for the Northland Region.Northland Biodiversity Ranking - River Ranks:Rankings of rivers and streams derived from a ranking analysis of indigenous-dominated terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems for the Northland Region.Northland Biodiversity Ranking - Terrestrial Top 30 Sites:Delineation of the high priority terrestrial sites comprising 30% of the surviving indigenous-dominated ecosystems (or 10.6 % of the Northland Region) as identified in the ranking of terrestrial ecosystem areas derived from a ranking analysis of indigenous-dominated terrestrial ecosystems for the Northland Region.Northland Biodiversity Ranking - Terrestrial Top 30 Sites Additional 5:Delineation of the top 5 % of additional sites that would potentially make the largest additional gains assuming management is applied to the top 30% of sites as identified in the ranking of terrestrial ecosystem areas derived from a ranking analysis of indigenous-dominated terrestrial ecosystems for the Northland Region.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Theme ["geospatial"]
Author Northland Regional Council
Maintainer NRC_admin
Maintainer Email NRC_admin
Source Created 2019-03-04T23:51:18.000Z
Source Modified 2019-03-05T00:15:42.921Z
Language English
Spatial { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [172.6268, -36.3981], [174.7507, -36.3981], [174.7507, -34.3809], [172.6268, -34.3809], [172.6268, -36.3981] ] ] }
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 3 May 2022, last updated 2 June 2022