New Zealand Active Faults Database: high-resolution (NZAFD-HighRes)

This dataset represents the most current mapping of active faults for New Zealand in a single database at a range of scales between 1:500 to 1:250,000 (multi-scale mapping). It is produced by GNS Science with data derived from site-specific to regional scale active fault studies.

Active faults are defined as those that have ruptured and/or caused ground surface deformation during the last 125,000 years (except for in the Taupō Volcanic Zone / Taupō Rift, where the definition of activity is restricted to only include the last 25,000 years). The dataset includes only onshore active faults, with the exception of offshore faults that ruptured during the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake.

The NZAFD-HighRes comprises two feature classes in vector format stored in a PostrgeSQL database:

  1. NZAFD-HighRes traces described at

  2. NZAFD-HighRes point features described at

Data Dictionary: A journal article describing the database is in preparation and will be published soon. In the meantime, some of the fields are described in This data dictionary relates to the previous database which this one replaces.

Metadata DOI:

Data and Resources

This dataset has no data

Additional Info

Field Value
Author GNS Science
Maintainer Email
Update frequency Irregular
Source Created 2003
Source Modified 2024-06-26T20:36:04.699057Z
Language English
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[165.82031965, -47.63578359], [179.0039134, -47.63578359], [179.0039134, -33.72433966], [165.82031965, -33.72433966], [165.82031965, -47.63578359]]]}
Source Identifier 771c72d7-a0c2-4442-9b55-92667b10cb92
Dataset metadata created 3 July 2024, last updated 3 July 2024